10 Days Later *

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Catherine's POV

I'm supposed to leave in 10 days to visit Hoseok. I'm nervous because the scars on my back and thighs have not fully healed. I'm able to hide the scalp sutures with my hair, and they're almost dissolved anyway. But the bruises on my face and body have turned a florescent green/yellow color. My neck is another story... The deep bites and scratches are still healing, and I don't know how to hide them except turtlenecks.

Working to hide the bruises on my face, I put makeup on, which I hardly ever wear. Bridget will be here soon to bring me to our meeting with a new client. His daughter is getting married this spring, and they will be the first to use our new facility. We haven't opened it yet, so we're hoping that things go well.

After leaving the hospital, I moved out of my house. I can't stay there. I called my oldest brother and told him it's time to sell it. He doesn't understand why I want to get rid of it so suddenly. I haven't been able to tell him why I just can't live in it anymore. It was the home I was raised in. The place where the memories of my parents are strongest... and Jacob stole that from me also...

I hear a knock on my bedroom door and it brings me back to the present. I holler a 'come in' and turn to see Bridget's Mom approaching. She checks my face, and says I'm doing a good job with the makeup. She takes the blending tool from my hand to help me though. I close my eyes, and let her take over. She gives me a feeling of comfort only a mother can.

"You're really beautiful Catherine."

"Not feeling like it Mom... But thank you."

"Do you know how proud I am of you? You're the strongest girl I know."

"I... I...... You're going to make me cry. Then you'll have to redo the makeup."

"I don't mind. Do you want to eat something before Bridget gets here?"

"I'm not hungry right now Mom."

"mmmhmmm.... You need to take better care Cath. You're getting skinny."

"It's not like I couldn't stand to lose a few pounds... But I'll try to eat something if it makes you happy."

"Nonsense child!! You're perfect, and will stop being so if you lose anymore weight. Your boyfriend will not recognize you if you show up looking like a skeleton."

"I don't know if I should even go..."

"Why wouldn't you?"

"The scars... They're still obvious on my back... And my neck is still really sensitive from the scratches and bruising."

"You haven't told him what happened?"

"I tried Mom... But I couldn't bring myself to do it. What if he doesn't love me anymore? What if he thinks I'm disgusting?"

"Then he's not the man for you! But trust me... He won't think any of that. He'll be glad you're alive."

"I hope you're right. I just don't want him to treat me differently. Is that wrong?"

"No... It's not... I understand Catherine. Just consider how he'll feel if he finds out from someone else..."

Me "......."

"Come on... Let's go eat something. You need your energy for the client meeting."

Bridget's POV

I pull into the driveway of Catherine's home. I'm here to collect some more of her clothes and personal items. The day she left the hospital, she came here just long enough to pack an overnight bag before she completely lost it. I've been coming and making small trips to get things she wants, or needs. Josh thinks we should just get a storage unit and clear everything so none of us need to go there anymore.

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