November 2017 *

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Author's POV

A little more than 2 months has passed since jungkook's birthday. BTS have been busy with their comeback, and the end of their tour. Catherine and Hoseok have been talking regularly, and their relationship is stronger than ever. Jungkook is ... well, he's the same. Stuck in his one sided feelings for his hyung's girlfriend.

Catherine still wonders if Jungkook liked her birthday gift. He's never mentioned it, and even though he doesn't glare anymore, he still doesn't talk to her if the members join Hobi's FaceTime calls with her. She assumes he didn't find the humor in it, and it didn't help them bridge their gap at all. This makes her heart hurt, but she pushes that away because it confuses her.

Bridget and Catherine are winding up their university experience, and will be graduating right before the end of the year. The business has been busy with parties and weddings. Both girls are exhausted, but have never been more content with their lives.

After graduation they will be moving the business into an actual venue complete with function rooms, a chapel, and an outdoor garden space with fountains and gazebos. They've hired alot of new staff, and some of their friends, which makes work easy and fun.

BTS will be coming to LA for the American Music Awards, and Hoseok has invited Catherine to meet him. They'll be filming some stuff for late night shows, and doing radio interviews, but this is the closest they're going to get to each other for a while, so she is excited to go. She has been trying to convince Bridget to come along, but she doesn't feel like 3rd wheeling, so she refused.

November 13

Catherine's POV

I'm actually nervous... It's been so long since Hobi and I have been in the same room together. I'm also nervous to see Jungkook. I don't know why, but being in the same place as him has always affected me. I wish I could have convinced B to come with me, but at least Ashley (Halsey) will be there. I can't wait to see her.

Arriving at the airport early in the morning sucks. I'm tired because we had a wedding yesterday and then I had to pack for the trip. I've only had about 2 hours of sleep, and I'm living on caffeine. I check my suitcase, and head to the first class lounge. As soon as I get there I'm attacked by an enthusiastic Ashley. I thought she was going to meet me in LA, so this is a pleasant surprise.

We sit down to wait for our flight to board and talk over all the things we've missed out on with each other. I never expected for the two of us to be friends. She has been one of my musical idols, and now she is just a really good friend. I show her the pictures of the cartoon I sent to Jungkook. She is giggling at the goofiness of it and asks what he thought. When I tell her that he has never even acknowledged it, she is surprised.

Halsey's POV

I'm so excited to be with Catherine. I moved my flight so I could travel with her, and it's the best decision I've made in a while. It seems like she and Hoseok are really building a solid relationship. I'm happy for her. When she showed me the pictures of the cartoon she'd made with her friend, I was stunned. I've been texting with Joon alot and he never mentioned it, so obviously Jungkook is keeping it a secret.

I am surprised he hasn't at least sent her a thank you text though. Is this because he's that shy? Did he think it was offensive? The cultural differences could have something to do with it... Probably not though. It was very cute and a thoughtful gift.

During the flight, Cath got some texts from Hoseok. The boys are on their flight and will be arriving early tomorrow morning. Catherine seems nervous about spending time with him. I ask her about it, but she's vague. She brushes it if as excitement. I hope that's the case.

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