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"is it worth mentioning that my muscles really hurt?"

"nope! do it again!" jin-ae said happily.

you groaned, preparing to do the second verse again. it wasn't a particularly hard dance, but you'd practically been doing it non-stop since you walked out of the closet with suga. you didn't know exactly how long it'd been, but your muscles were saying an eternity.

suga and hoseok were still watching, giving you pointers and watching. suga was mainly on his phone though, and hoseok didn't seem to mind. his part of the night must have been finished, considering their great and grand plan.

"this pretty girl, why you leaving her?" you were honestly starting to get sick of gashina, having been listening to it constantly for the past hour. but according to hoseok and jin-ae, your dancing was still on point, even if your expressions weren't. you were just tired and wanted to go home and sleep. hibernate, really.

you sat down immediately as the second chorus finished. "can we leave now?" you whined.

"yeah, it's getting late." suga joined in, not even looking up from his phone.

"can't you just leave whenever you like?" you said, raising an eyebrow.

suga raised his eyebrow right back at you. "yes, but i can't leave hoseok on his own. who knows what he'd do." you had to agree with him on that point, judging by hoseok's fabulous performance of running into everything when he was drunk.

"besides, suga is being kind and giving me a ride," hoseok said, smiling sweetly at suga, who rolled his eyes before looking back down at his phone.

jin-ae sighed. "fine, fine. we'll go. y'all are no fun."

"since when did you say 'y'all'...?" you said, getting your coat off the floor. in all your years of living with her, you didn't think she'd ever say that word.

"since now." she grinned, picking up her own coat from the floor. you rolled your eyes in response as jin-ae packed up hoseok's gym bag and threw it back to him. the two idols lead the line out of the studio and jin-ae flicked the lights off behind you.

ahead of you, suga fished a set of keys out of his jacket. you didn't know why, but it never actually occurred to you that either of them could drive. he made his way over to a black car parked on the side of the road, hoseok practically bunny hopping after him before suddenly stopping and turning to you and jin-ae. 

"i have an idea!" he said excitedly.

"oh, no." both you and suga said in unison. jin-ae snickered at the two of you but gestured for hoseok to continue.

"why don't you two join us for a movie marathon on saturday?" he goofily smiled at the two of you. your heart jumped into your throat as you thought of all the things that could happen. as soon as you realized what you were thinking about, you flushed bright red and tried to string words together to form a sentence in your head. thankfully, jin-ae had you covered.

"for real?!"

"of course!" hoseok shouted back. why were the two of them so loud...?

jin-ae made a squeal for the first time in a while. it'd been so long you almost forgot she was a hardcore fan of them. you gave your younger sister a half smile and ruffled her hair. "sounds good. we'll see you guys later then."

suga nodded at you and hoseok waved happily. could he not do anything without being happy? as the two of them got into suga's car, you turned to jin-ae. and promptly punched her arm.

"ow! what was that for?" she said, rubbing the spot.

"stop trying to set me up, god damn it!" your face could be used as christmas lights at this point. jin-ae burst out laughing as you started trudging down the street towards the shop. jin-ae quickly caught up to you and you both walked along the dimly lit side street back onto the main street, which was full of people and bright lights.

the main street was on a hill, with flat areas every so often for intersections. your shop was near the bottom of the street, and the park was at the very bottom and across the road. you'd lived on this street all your life, and you knew all the shop owners around you by name. most of them were friends with your grandparents, and then became friends with you when you moved in.

your grandparents were the ones that originally owned the music shop, not your parents. your parents were doctors, but when your grandparents passed away, they felt too guilty to just sell the place, so your mother gave you the apartment for when you moved out of home.

you reminisced with a dull smile on your face about your childhood with jin-ae and the rest of your family as you reached into your coat for the keys and stepped inside the music shop. if you pictured hard enough, you could picture your grandparents' smiling faces and afternoon card games with cookies and tea. you sure did miss them, but at least you still had jin-ae.

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