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"so, how did you pick your second song?" yuki asked with a smile, discretely looking you and your costume up and down. it was the interview phase of the filming process, and yuki was once again interviewing you. you'd wondered a couple of times whether she interviewed all the others, or just a few of you, but you didn't really have the answer to that.

"the special friend i mentioned last time helped me choose it." you said, a small smile gracing your lips as you remembered the conversation that day with suga. "i don't have much money so i don't actually know much music except from what's on the radio, so he helps me."

yuki's eyes widened slightly in surprise. "oh, really? so, i guess the end prize would really benefit you, wouldn't it?"

"yes, it would. but that's not why i'm here. i'm here to have fun and perform in front of people." you grinned. as she said that, a red flag had gone up in your mind. yes, it would benefit you greatly and you pretty much needed it at this point, but the last thing viewers would want to know is that one of the contestants was only in it for the money.

"that's a good attitude to have," she said, looking down at her lap where a bunch of papers were briefly. "what song did you and your special friend choose?"

"butterfly by BTS."

"ah, so that's why you kind of went with a boyish clothing choice."

you blinked at her for a second, slowly processing what she was saying as you fiddled slightly with your ribbon. "no. i figured that i'd need something fairly simple, and this was as close as i came. i also figured that this wasn't really the type of dance you could do in skirts." you ended with a soft laugh.

yuki laughed with you. "you're probably right. stay tuned everyone for nari's second performance~!" she finished by pointing towards the cameras and grinning an award winning smile before freezing in place.

"cut!" a director screeched after a few seconds, and everyone became unfrozen, running around while getting ready for what comes next. the actual performance.

yuki rolled her shoulders before getting out of her seat. not really knowing what else to do with yourself, you followed her past the cameras, and was about to follow her to the other stage before a plethora of staff members cornered you to get your microphone on.

after a few minutes, you stood in front of the judges' table, fiddling with the end of your shirt as the male judge barked orders at staff running around frantically. finally, as everyone settled down, you straightened up, looking at the judges with as much confidence as you could muster. before the signal was given to start filming, yuki quickly winked at you as if saying 'you'll be fine,' and it eased your worries a little bit. she seemed to be very good at that kind of thing.

"and action~!" the male judge said with a childish grin as he turned around, and you swallowed hard, trying to squash your nerves.


coming back from filming, you were completely exhausted. you'd given that performance your all, and you just hoped it would be enough. "minjae, your go." you puffed out, collapsing on the couch next to donghyeon, who shifted a bit over to make room for you. minjae gave a hefty sigh before getting up herself and following the staff member that was starting to act more like a messenger pigeon at this point.

"so, how'd it go?" kwan asked, sitting forward and making his rats' tail flop in front of his shoulders.

"good, good..." you trailed off, still trying to catch your breath a bit. a nap sounded pleasant, but you weren't going to get one here. especially not with the devil trying to trip you from in her corner.

said devil scoffed. "it wasn't that hard. you probably just did a super easy song, didn't you?"

you scowled at chiaye, sitting up. "no. i actually did quite a complex song, unlike yourself, i'm sure."

"jesus christ, not again," you heard donghyeon mumble before he stood up and said loudly, "come on, guys! stop belittling each other. you probably both did amazing and that's why you're both here, okay? okay."

you and chiaye both scoffed at him slightly before turning to your phones. donghyeon sighed before turning to his own phone, giving up on being the peacekeeper.


after all the others had finished filming, mr. sagong entered the room again. he had a look on his face that immediately shouted that he was going to say something big and more than likely, long.

"well, everyone, i have exciting news. the first episode will be airing in a week and three days! we'll give you another call when the votes from viewers have been counted up to say who's leaving and who's staying, so no need to worry. have fun in the meantime!"

even as he said that, you doubted that anyone would be having fun. they would probably be wringing their heads in stress, as were you.

the next day.


seven mutual idiots




does anyone wanna gather at someone's house to watch the episode together?


that sounds fun

i'll call jina and ask if she wants to join us

i think she muted her notifications for the group >.>


yeah, i was wondering why she wasn't saying anything


yeah, i'd love to

except i have other plans :")


what with who?



my boyfriend







lol chill minjae

she can spend time with her bf if she wants~






oh piss off

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