xliv. < <yoongi's birthday special pt. 1> >

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of all the ways your morning could start, you didn't really expect it to start like this. your phone screeched awake from your bedside table, making you jump about three feet in the air before fumbling for it.

you tried to say something like "hello?" or "who is it?" but all you could come up with in your just-woke-up-and-it's-still-dark state, all you managed to say was, "mmfph?"

laughter resounded on the other end. hoseok. "good morning to you too!"

you stayed silent for a couple of seconds as your mind caught up and your eyes strayed to the clock on the wall. "hoseok?"

"mmm, yeah?"

your voice was deadly calm. "i have a question."


"why are you ringing me at four in the morning?"

you could practically hear his sunshine smile through the phone. "oh, i didn't think you knew what day it is."

"is it not saturday?" the only thoughts running through your mind included extremely grotesque things, such as strangling hoseok. as far as you were concerned, there was only one person who was allowed to ring you up at four in the morning for a casual chat, and hoseok was not said person.

but the person he was ringing about was.

"oooh, so you don't know. tsk, tsk, tsk." his tone was teasing, and it was the last thing you wanted to hear at this hour.

you narrowed your eyes, getting angrier by the minute. you weren't much of a morning person, and you were even less of a 4 am person. "hobi. tell me why you're calling me at this ungodly hour."

"aww, you're no fun." he sighed on the other end. "i was just calling you to give a piece of friendly advice, crucial for another friend's go-"

"hoseok." you said darkly, pulling on an oversized hoodie as you made your way down the hall. if hoseok was going to call you at 4 am, you were going to need some coffee in order to not lose one of your only friends.

he yelped slightly. "it's suga's birthday."

you froze. oh shit.

"you didn't know, did you? tsk, tsk. and you call yourself his girlfriend."

"hobi, shut the fuck up. why couldn't you tell me a week ago?!" you hissed into the phone. you were still frozen in the middle of the hallway, your mind both racing and blank at what to do.

"i dunno. i thought you already knew. but then last night it struck me like, 'hey, maybe she doesn't know' so i thought i had better check."

"you are so lucky i'm nowhere near you right now. do you have any ideas that might help?" you made your way into the kitchen with a walk that screamed 'murder.' coffee. the key to a working mind at this hour.

hoseok made a squeaking noise. "good luck!" just as you were about to start yelling at him, you heard the beep signaling that he hung up on you. muttering profanities under your breath, you started the coffee machine. after about a minute, jin-ae came out of her room, looking just about as pissed as you felt.

"why the fuck were you talking so loudly at this hour?" she said, slumping down onto the table and using it as a pillow. her long hair was a complete storm, and to say she looked terrible was an understatement. 

you poured the coffee into a mug and took a sip. burning hot and extremely bitter. it seemed to match your mood. "because hoseok decided to call me at four in the morning to tell me it's suga's birthday."

"oh yeah, that's today." jin-ae sat up and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. "what did you get him?"

"nothing. i had no idea it was his birthday today."

jin-ae shook her head. "and you call yourself his girlfriend."

"that's what hoseok said too!" you shouted at her as she moved down the hallway to have a shower. "i don't know what i'm going to do, so some advice would be nice!"

"wing it!" she shouted back before slamming the bathroom door closed. real helpful, you thought, angrily taking another sip of your coffee. you couldn't just 'wing it,' after all, that would make you seem like a pretty shitty person. all you had to do was think of something, and quickly. not too hard, right?


hoseok was still smirking by the time suga came down the stairs for breakfast that morning. normally, he was smiling, but today it was different. and suga noticed immdiately.

he froze, staring right at hoseok. "why are you smirking?"

"no reason." he replied with no change in his expression.

"because that doesn't make me nervous at all."

all hoseok did was grin back as suga walked around him to get breakfast. he was probably hoping to spend the day alone and doing nothing. shame that hoseok had other plans.


a great way to sum up your morning would be extreme running around and extremely early shopping. you had to thank the early hours of the shopping center down the street for saving you.

you had only just shut the shop door and put the plastic bags down on the counter as your phone buzzed loudly, making you jump.


sunshine virus:

(j-)hope you have smth ready bc we're coming over now hehehe


a) did you just make a pun on your own name

b) you just want to see me suffer don't you

sunshine virus:

i shall neither confirm or deny any of that *^*

see you in like ten minutes :3


swearing loudly, you rushed upstairs, picking up the plastic bags again on your way. you silently thanked whatever god was on your side that the store had in-store wrapping for gifts. you should get some food together and maybe some coffee though, right?

"jin-ae, help me!" you screeched as you started unloading the shopping you had got.

she looked up from her spot at the table where she was on her phone. "huh, what?"

you paused for a second to look at her. "suga. he's coming over in literally ten minutes and we need to do something."

"why don't you just stop panicking, get some biscuits on a plate and start making some tea. take a chill pill, sis." jin-ae said simply before returning to her scrolling on her phone. you blinked at her before following her advice. there was nothing to worry about, after all.

the tea was almost done by the time that you heard the door open downstairs and seven very loud men enter the shop.

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