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you awoke the next morning with the early morning sunlight streaming in through the window. you really did not want to get up and out of bed at all, but you really didn't have much of a choice. jin-ae would be going to school, which meant someone had to be in charge of the shop.

stretching, you got out of bed to start the morning routine. you kicked jin-ae's door on your way past with a shout of "time to get up!", heading into the kitchen for breakfast. as much as you didn't feel like cooking, you still had to stay healthy.

a few minutes later, jin-ae came out of her room, grumbling. "it's too early for this."

"you've been waking up at the same time for the past year and a half and you're still not used to it?" you asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

she returned your look with a death glare. "i will never get used to waking up early."

"i've been waking up this early for like the past seven years, you lucky duck. i think i forgot the meaning of the phrase 'sleep in.'" you took a sip from your cup as jin-ae sat down, slumping forward onto the table.

"i don't even have to be at school for hours. why must you wake me up so early?" she whined, sitting up as you brought her a cup of coffee, which she almost downed in one swig.

you scoffed slightly, sitting down with your own cup. "because you need to do more with your life than just sleeping. speaking of what you're going to do with your life, have you decided what university to go to?"

jin-ae blinked at you. "no? i didn't bother looking around because i figured we wouldn't have enough money."

"mm," you took a sip, "we don't really but i had been saving up money of my own for years so i could pay for my university tuition myself, but that's not happening, obviously. i should have roughly enough saved for a course."

"wait, really?!" jin-ae exclaimed, her eyes wide with a mixture of surprise and excitement.

you nodded, hopping up as the toaster went off. "but, you shouldn't waste your future, i mean you should live your life, not just save up for me to live mine," jin-ae continued, slightly flustered.

"i don't even know what i'd do in university anyway, so you might as well take it," you sat back down, sliding jin-ae her breakfast as you took a bite of your own. "do you know what you want to do for a job?"

"not really, but i have thought about fashion designing,"

"that's a nice idea," you commented, mentally recalling how much money you had saved in your account. what you'd told jin-ae about the money wasn't entirely true; you'd only been saving up for the past two years, right before your parents died. your mother had always said it was a good idea to keep a rainy day account for emergencies, so you started putting half of whatever you earnt there. "well, give it some more thought. you've got until the end of the year to decide, after all."

"thank you~! i really didn't want to run this shop for the rest of my life..." she exclaimed, finishing her breakfast in a hurry.

"i thought you didn't have to be at school for hours," you mimicked her tone almost perfectly and she scowled at you across the table, "so why the rush?"

"okay, okay, i was going to meet min-hyuk early this morning at the school library to work on our group project," jin-ae admitted, hanging her head slightly as she took her plate to the sink.

you shook your head slightly in amusement as jin-ae retreated into her room. in a few minutes, jin-ae came out, fully dressed for school. "well, have fun," you called out with a slight smirk on your face.

"i'm not completely sure that's possible at that damn school, but maybe with min-hyuk," jin-ae replied with a laugh before heading down the stairs, leaving you alone. well, not completely. your phone buzzed almost as soon as you heard the front door slam shut.


yoongs ♡♡♡♡♡♡:


woah so many hearts in my name


all are necessary :3

oooo snowflakes

yoongs ♡♡♡♡♡♡ :

seems like we both had the same idea lol


great minds think alike they say

but why snowflakes...?

yoongs ♡♡♡♡♡♡ :

are you sure you want me to tell you

it's super cheesy *^*


pff it can't be that bad

yoongs ♡♡♡♡♡♡ :

because they're special and unique

just like you >.>



that's super cheesy

yoongs ♡♡♡♡♡♡ :

told you


i love it *^*

yoongs ♡♡♡♡♡♡ :

as much as me?



i love you more ♡

old cigarettes | min yoongiTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang