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"why is the day moving so slow?" you asked sleepily as jin-ae walked past you, sweeping the floor from some customers that had tread dirt everywhere. you were resting your head on the counter, having given up on wiping it and instead resigned to whining and singing along to the radio.

"i don't know." jin-ae whined back, sweeping the dirt out the door and onto the street. it had been a mostly quiet day, with only a family of four wanting to get their children instruments and an elderly couple interrupting you. that was, until he rocked up.

you didn't recognize him, but apparently jin-ae did, as she rushed over to him and gave him a rib crushing hug. he had black hair that fell into his eyes, and he honestly looked like he had just walked out of his emo phase. he was taller than you and jin-ae, but that wasn't really a big feat to accomplish. you raised an eyebrow as the two cuddled, taking a sip from your tea that you'd brought downstairs.

"so," you put the cup down, "jin-ae, you wanna introduce me?" you leant forward over the desk, an amused smirk on your face as jin-ae spun around, blushing. 

"nari, this is min-hyuk, a friend from school." jin-ae said, gesturing to the male behind her who waved at you.

you wiggled your eyebrows at her, aiming to get payback for last week's dinner with bts. "oh? just a friend?"

both min-hyuk and jin-ae went red. "y-yes..." min-hyuk mumbled, stuffing his hands into his coat and looking away from you.

jin-ae, meanwhile, jumped to defend herself. "what? just like that friend you've been texting during the day?"

she'd caught you this morning messaging suga and you had to come clear, explaining how you got his number. you stumbled a bit over your words. "th-that is my friend!" you protested, a blush creeping onto your cheeks.

as jin-ae raised her eyebrow and opened her mouth to fire back a response, min-hyuk put a hand on her shoulder. "i'm just here because i said i'd take her out to dinner one night after you guys were closed." you smirked, looking towards the cuckoo clock. 3:00. it was an hour early.

"you're a bit early there, but sure. go for it, sis." you snickered. jin-ae brightened and raced upstairs to get her coat. while she was gone, you made quick strides to min-hyuk and brought his collar down to hiss in his ear. "hurt my sister and you're fucking dead. got it?" he whimpered and nodded. you let him go with a normal grin and headed back to the desk, just in time for jin-ae to race back downstairs with her coat.

she grinned back at you and min-hyuk tried hard to smile at you, but still looked nervous. they left the shop together, and soon you were on your own, only the sounds of PRISTIN's Weewoo from the radio to accompany you. the sun was already starting to set outside, sending orange hues through the shop. the news that you'd caught earlier on the radio said you might get snow in a couple of days. you dully wondered if you were as you downed the rest of your tea.

since there wasn't a customer in sight, you went upstairs to wash the cup out. halfway through rinsing it though, the bell attached to the door rung. "coming!" you shouted, turning the tap off and placing the cup gently on the drying rack. you jumped down the stairs, flattening your skirt as you went down. you stuffed your hands in your leather jacket as you went to find the customer, who had obviously wandered off. it was getting colder, and the inside of the shop was no longer warm enough, and you definitely did not have the money for heating.

as you looked for the customer, your search was interrupted by a crashing sound near the guitars. your heart jumping into your throat and your head already calculating the repair price, you raced over to find namjoon, guiltily looking down at jin, who was on the floor, having caught a guitar that fell down. the crashing sound came from the actual display, which was now in pieces on the floor near jin.

you blinked at the two of them for a minute. why were they here? you snapped out of your questions and went to help the two. you gently picked up the guitar and put it on the counter, checking for damages. thankfully, jin had saved it. the same couldn't be said for the stand, however.

you picked it up as jin brushed himself off. you scowled at it. it was mainly the hinges that were broken, and one of the pegs too. nothing that couldn't be fixed in a matter of minutes with your little tool box. as you fussed over the stand, the other members had wandered out from where they were to see what had happened. you already had your tools out, engrossed in fixing the stand. unfortunately, you were going wrong in thinking it could be fixed in a few minutes with your tools. one of the bolts was completely and utterly fucked. you would most likely have to buy a new stand.

you sighed, running a hand through your hair and looked up at the members, who'd crowded around the counter. "afternoon."

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