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"we should play a game before we teach you the second verse." jin-ae said happily.

"no. nope. nuh-uh. remember what happened last time?" you said, sitting up, your long hair falling in front of your shoulders. jin-ae and hoseok happily came and sat on either side of you, making three sides of a square. looks like you were playing the game whether you wanted to or not.

"yep. now, come on. let's play. suga-hyung, sit down." hoseok said, flashing one of his famous grins.

suga stuffed his hands into his pockets. "i'm not playing."

"mmm, yes you are, or i'll tell jin-hyung about the time we got drunk and i'll leave myself out of it." 

that did something. suga grumbled and sat down opposite you, shrugging off his coat. it seemed neither of you were very happy about this, but the truth was, neither of you could stop your hearts from practically jumping out of your throats.

"now, in here," jin-ae began, stretching back to the gym bag and pulling out a small lunch container, "i have a selection of dares. nari, you first." she thrust the container towards you, and you picked one of the folded pieces of paper with a sigh.

do seven minutes in heaven with the person opposite you.

could this be anymore set up, you thought as you looked between the paper and suga, who was sitting opposite you. you chucked the paper into the middle of the circle, giving up. hoseok grabbed it and read it aloud for the others. jin-ae squealed and suga groaned, letting his head fall onto his chest. jin-ae and hoseok had, in fact, set it up 100%. the only thing written on the multiple folded up bits of paper was that dare, and they had sat on either side of you to make sure suga sat opposite you.

"lucky for us, there's a storage closet here~" jin-ae said, practically dragging you over to the closet. suga sighed and followed you as jin-ae almost threw you into the closet, closing the door behind the two of you.

the storage room was dark and cramped. several boxes filled with who knows what trapped the both of you in on all sides. the room was clearly not made for two people to be in at the same time. which, in hoseok and jin-ae's opinions, made the experience all the more better. because of this, the two of you were awkwardly pressed against each other. you could almost feel suga's breath gently grazing your head.

"those two totally set this up." you broke the silence with an awkward laugh.

"i wouldn't be surprised if they had their ears pressed against the door now." suga whispered back with an equally awkward chuckle. the two of them were actually on the other side of the room, watching a dance video on hoseok's phone, but they had contemplated listening in.

you looked down at the floor, rubbing the back of your neck. "well... what are we gonna do to pass the time?"

several thoughts ran through suga's head, some of them... ahem, not entirely appropriate. "i feel like i should still apologize face to face for whatever i did when i was drunk." he instead chose to say.

"oh, it's okay, you only whined a lot and then basically used me as a teddy bear." you said. suga sighed in relief. he'd thought he'd done a lot worse. there was no way you were going to repeat what he'd told you that night; it would only make this awkward experience ten times as awkward.

"so..." you trailed off awkwardly. nothing said awkward like being locked in a dingy storage room with so little space between the two of you that if you were tall enough, you probably could have knocked his nose by lifting your head. you yawned, and as more of an impulse reaction, lent slightly forward and rested your head on suga's chest.

you couldn't see it, but suga's face lit up. he awkwardly hugged you and the two of you stood in silence for a minute, both of your cheeks redder than a tomato. "i wonder if it's been seven minutes yet...?" you mumbled sleepily.

"i would check for you, but i left my phone in my coat pocket, and that's over on the floor back there." suga mumbled back, gently resting his head on top of yours. you both stayed there, completely content. without either of you noticing, the air of awkwardness had completely dissolved into something beautiful.

but, of course, hoseok had to ruin it. he knocked loudly on the other side of the door. "seven minutes is up~!"

you both immediately let go of each other and shouted, "finally," back at him in perfect synchronization. neither of you felt that way, but. you both wished those seven minutes would never end, even if you weren't willing to admit it.

hoseok pried open the door, his usual grin on his face. "did you two have fun~?"

you both glared daggers at him and he pouted as he let you two out. "are you gonna teach me the next verse now?" you asked jin-ae.

"yeah. okay, so here's what you do-" she said, running a hand through her hair before putting her hands on your shoulders and moving your arms where they needed to be.

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