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"can't we talk about something else?" suga said, groaning at jin's lame dad jokes.

"why don't we talk about your little evening with nari? or how you keep ditching practice to see her? hmm?" jin immediately countered. suga paled a little, but kept his mouth shut.

"do you think suga's in love?" hoseok said mockingly, moving in close to almost whisper in the older's ear.

suga jumped back, rubbing his ear free of the spit. "no." he said emotionlessly, but the members still caught his (very obvious) blush. meanwhile, you were still hiding behind your tree a few meters away, having a minor heart attack. you were at a pure loss for words as you kept listening to their conversation.

"he's blushing!" taehyung shouted, making suga blush more.

jimin bounced over to namjoon, disrupting him from his thoughts as he held his hand up to namjoon as if he was holding a microphone. "as the leader, do you think suga has feelings for nari?"

"it's not like he could date her if he wanted to anyway, since our schedules are too busy." namjoon said, pulling out his phone. "besides, i doubt the manager would like it."

"true. but, how did he like his little taste tonight? he seemed awfully happy." jin said, putting a hand on suga's shoulder, who'd sped up, trying to run away.

"how can you tell?" jungkook said, suddenly joining the conversation.

"because, i was his roommate when we first started, remember? you get to know him better and after a while, you can tell." jin replied happily, dragging suga back to the group like a mother reeling in her child.

as the group neared you, you hurriedly pulled out your earbuds and plugged them into your phone, bringing up some of your music that you'd bought a few years back. you started walking, as if you never noticed them.

"hey, look! there she is! nari!" you heard shouts from behind you and you tried to calm your heart that was racing as you turned around to the group, pulling out an earbud. hoseok was waving you over. you sighed, pretending to be annoyed and as if you hadn't heard their conversation as you walked over, stopping your music.

suga pouted as jin kept a firm hand on his shoulder. his attempts had noticeably gotten smaller as they'd spotted you. jin seemed to notice and smirked as you drew near. "we were just talking about you. why are you even out this late?"

you shrugged, knowing full well they were talking about you. "i wanted to have a walk. the park at this time is pretty."

taehyung grinned, the gleam in his eyes matching jin-ae's from earlier. "why don't we get the lady in question's opinion?" jimin, hoseok, and jungkook matched his smirk.

you raised an eyebrow, pretending to have no clue what they were talking about.

"they were talking about whether or not suga has feelings for you or not." namjoon interjected, not looking up from his phone.

this time, you didn't even bother to hide your feelings. "h-huh?"

as you blushed a bright red, taehyung started shouting again. "requited love! requited love!" he repeated, over and over. the blush on your cheeks worsened as you grabbed the pair of scissors you always kept in your coat and chased after him. the two of you ran around the park, the other members watching you two from afar. soon you were puffed out and returned to the members, bringing your coat closer to you.

"why do you have scissors in your coat?" jin asked suspiciously.

"for opening boxes." you replied shortly, eyeing taehyung, who was creeping back into the group. you actually kept them in your coat just in case anybody tried to attack you. "i should be heading back soon."

"yeah, you wouldn't want to catch a col-" "why not walk with us for a little bit?" suga started but hoseok jumped in, flashing his cancer-curing grin.

you sighed. "fine, but only for a little bit."

"so, nari, what do you do in your performances that suga thinks is a good enough reason to skip practice?" jin said, probably too salty.

you raised an amused smirk. "really? he told me he wasn't busy on saturdays."

suga winced as jin's salty glare bore into his neck. "really? is that so?"

"stop acting like a mother, jinnie." jimin said, poking jin's arm. "let the young boy go forth and see his true lover."

"i'm older than you, and since when were we lovers?" suga said, raising an eyebrow at the blonde.

"c'mon, you two make it so obvious." jimin countered, which was met with nods from the rest of the group. 

you blinked at them. "huh?"

"are you serious? we all saw your faces. don't bother hiding it." taehyung teased, and you eyed him, fiddling with the scissors in your pocket. of course, you were never going to actually stab him, but it was good for threats.

"you know what?" you said, plugging in your earbuds once again. "i'm heading back now. like jin-ae said, feel free to visit anytime." you walked away, your boots dragging slightly on the stone path.

your eyes were now drooping after your talk with the members. and even though you went out for a walk to think, you came back with more unanswered questions than you started with. as you walked out of the park, a cold breeze hit you, making your hair fly around your face. the trees must have blocked the wind before.

you moved along, your mind on autopilot, and soon you were back at the back door. you pried it open, careful not to make too much sound and quietly snuck back up to your room. you had a lot to think about, but those things could wait until tomorrow.

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