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seven mutual idiots



is anyone close by yet

i'm the only one in the lobby apart from chiaye and she keeps giving me glares ;-;



i'm still a bit away since i live quite far


chill minjae

i'll be there in a few since one of my friends is dropping me off on his way to work


friend ay ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)




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despite the fact that the friend in question was that kind of friend, you still felt the need to shut him up. you shoved your phone back into your pocket with a hefty sigh. "who was it?" the friend in question asked, turning around the corner.

"just the other contestants," you yawned in response. today was the filming for the second episode, so everyone was required to gather at the building again, same as last time. but you were most definitely not in the mood to talk to, or even look at, chiaye. you were way too tired to deal with that today.

suga pulled up next to the building and you stretched, trying to amp yourself up for the no doubt tiring day ahead of you.

"good luck today," he said, taking one of your hands in his before raising it to his lips.

you flicked him in the forehead lightly with a grin. "stop being so cheesy; you want me to melt?"

"nah, there are better ways to make you melt," he said in a low voice, smirking.

"if you're implying what i think you're implying-" suga cut you off by wiggling his eyebrows at you. "okay then, i'm leaving now." your face heated up, so it was bright, bright red. he laughed at you and you smiled back before exiting the car.

now, to rescue minjae.

you pushed the doors open, and four people looked up as you entered. the first was the desk clerk, who gave you a small smile before returning to her work, the second was chiaye, who scoffed before turning to her phone, the third being an unexpected hyonu, and the last being minjae, her eyes filled with relief.

making your way over to her, you gave a curious glance to hyonu, who kept his eyes carefully trained on you. as you sat next to minjae, he looked back down at the floor, apparently having lost interest. "what's with him?" you asked, turning your head to minjae in confusion.

"i don't know," she rubbed the back of her neck, "he showed up not too long ago and stared both me and chiaye down. it was quite creepy, to be perfectly honest."

"yeah," you commented, leaning back in your chair a bit. "so, did you end up doing the Girl's Day song?"

minjae grinned devilishly. "you know it. how'd the BTS go?"

"difficult, but i got there in the end."

your conversation was interrupted slightly by youngil, who walked in the door, only to be stared down in disgust by hyonu and chiaye. he whimpered slightly before scampering over to you and minjae. "why do they look like they want to tear my skin from my bones?"

"i think that's just their personalities," minjae said, and you nodded as youngil shuddered slightly before taking his phone out.

"when do you think the others are going to get here?" you asked, and as if on cue, jinju stumbled through the doors, an exasperated jina following her.

"come on, can't you walk down the street without tripping over yourself?" jina said as jinju laughed, leading her over to where the three of you were sitting.

minjae grinned at the two of them. "woah, when did you two become friends?"

jina froze slightly, and you noticed a hint of red peeking out from her loosely tied hair as jinju hurriedly spoke up. "nah, we're not that close. we only just ran into each other down the road and started chatting."

you suspected there was more going on behind jinju's smile, but you didn't have time to question it as donghyeon burst in through the door, kwan in tow. now there was only one left. seyeon.

while donghyeon and kwan trailed themselves over to the little group that had accumulated around you and minjae, the clock ticked on. and on.

twenty minutes after the scheduled meeting time, seyeon walked through the door, giving no regard to the fact that he was late or to the other contestants, who were now giving him death glares on making them have to wait much longer than they should have.

the desk clerk, who had previously been wringing her hands and casting regular glances around the room at the rest of you, clicked her tongue in annoyance as she picked up the phone. "finally. mr. sagong, everyone's here now."

you only had to wait a few minutes before you heard the clacking of dress shoes against the vinyl floor on the other side of the doors you entered not too long ago when you performed for the first time. all of you stood up as mr. sagong entered, flashing a smile that weirdly complimented his crooked nose.

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