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"are you kidding me? of course it's a good idea!" jin-ae said, slamming her hands on the table. . min-hyuk had left a while ago, still refusing to look you in the eyes, so you'd finally gotten an opportunity to talk to jin-ae about the audition.

"it's just that to audition i'd have to go during the day, so you'd have to look after the shop." you said, pulling your sleeves down subconsciously.

jin-ae put her hands on her hips. "as if that's a problem! i'd be happy to ditch the losers at my school for a day!"

you laughed. "well then, i guess i'll audition... i should get more information first, though. and before i forget," jin-ae perked back up, "what's the deal between you and min-hyuk?"

she rolled her eyes at you, slumping back onto the floor. "tell meeee." you said, crawling over to her and poking her.

jin-ae rolled over. "okay, maybe i do like him..." she mumbled to the floor. you gave a triumphant shout and stood back up, running a hand through your hair. "but you totally like suga!" she shouted at you back.

you fell silent, and she crawled over to you from her spot on the floor. "tell meeee." she whined, imitating your voice.

you jumped back, laughing at her. "not telling!" you whined right back.

jin-ae slumped onto your foot. "i told you, so it's only fair!"

you moved your foot away from her and bolted to your room, laughing. "no thanks!" you heard jin-ae get up and try to follow you but you slammed the door in her face. you heard her whining from the other side of the door but there was no way you were going to open it. no thanks, feelings.

you turned back and looked at the catastrophe of your room. there was sheet music everywhere. you cleaned it up before flopping down on your bed, taking your phone out. you were spending a lot of time on your phone recently, but that was probably the fault of you finally gaining some more friends. well, any friends, considering you hadn't had any friends since high school, and it'd been a while since then.

you searched up the audition and came to the host's official website. reading through it, you eventually found the sign up form. it had to be either mailed or emailed to the address by next week. you read through it, finding out what you had to do. it had basic requirements, which you fit, then a section for personal information. under that it had requirements for the audition. you had to prepare a song and a dance to go with it.

welp. guess you were learning how to dance, now. you got up and went to jin-ae's door. "jin-aeeee? little sisssss?"

"yessss?" she said, opening her door.

"can you teach me how to dance? the audition sheet says you need to prepare a song to sing and dance to, and you're much better than me at dancing." you gave her puppy dog eyes.

she smirked at you. "that depends. you gonna tell me if you like suga?"

you groaned. "okay, fine. maybe. i like him a little bit." 

jin-ae squealed. "called it! okay, welcome to my studio." she said, gesturing you into her room. "what song are you gonna do?"

"i need help with that too, obviously." you said, taking a seat on her bed.

jin-ae grabbed her phone, scrolling through her music. "oh yeah, i forgot you live under a rock. let's see... a solo artist song?"

you nodded and she continued scrolling. how much music did she have...? "ooh~ what about this?" she asked, tapping on one and turning her volume up. it sounded quite good.

"yeah, why not? what's it called?" you tilted your head.

"gashina by sunmi. also known as the fucking queen." jin-ae said, putting her phone down to stretch. "the chorus is the easiest part to learn, so let's start there. watch me." she pressed play and you watched her as she danced the chorus. it looked fairly simple from what you could see.

"okay, so, what you do-" jin-ae guided you through the chorus in excessive detail until she thought that you'd gotten it completely right. which took a while. it was late by the time the two of you had finished, so you headed back to your room and downloaded the song for yourself. you obviously needed to learn the lyrics. you silently wondered to yourself if suga was going to like it... huh. maybe jin-ae was right. maybe you did have feelings for him.

you laughed to yourself as you got into bed to sleep. maybe.


"come onnnnn. tell meeee." hoseok begged, grinning from ear to ear.

"still no." suga replied, his voice as dead as his expression. hoseok had come into his room late at night, with a shit eating grin on his face. apparently, he found it weird how suga sounded so pissed when he'd shown hoseok the article earlier and it had taken him this long to come to the sound conclusion that suga actually did like you.

"then why'd you sound so pissed earlier?" hoseok whined, belly flopping next to suga on his bed.

suga raised an eyebrow. "because two of my friends got involved in a rumor i know wasn't true?"

hoseok propped himself up into a position that greatly resembled "draw me like one of your french girls." "sounds reasoning. but come on~ i can tell, you know?"

"if i tell you, will you leave?" the older sighed.

"yep." the idiotic grin was back. but the truth was, it had never really left in the first place.

suga ran a hand through his hair. "yeah, sure. i guess. now get out." hoseok scuttled out of the room, giggling like a school girl as suga flopped back onto his bed in defeat.

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