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After the water incident, I was done for the night. Drained of any desire to party anymore, I  retired for the night.

While I had resented any invasion of my alone time all day, I now craved company. Unfortunately, that wasn't likely to happen after tonight's events, I thought to myself.

I shrugged off my dress, slipped into a comfortable nightgown, and settled into bed. Switching off the lights, I slowly drifted away.

My eyes snapped open only moments later. What was that annoying tapping sound? With a groan, I switched on the light.
Nothing. Well, that's odd.

"Ugh! I want to sleep, what woke me up in the first place?" I grumbled out.

Switching off the light, I laid back down to sleep only to hear the tapping sound once more.

"What the hell!"

With outrage, I stood up and switched the light back on in search of the noise.

With an annoyed sigh, I turned around only to stare into two pairs of white irises.

I screamed in terror, eyes wide as the whole face came into view. A white wrinkled face stared at me with an evident smile on her toothless mouth.

"Heed my warnings," came the silent, ghostly whisper.

And I released the loudest scream I could manage before she disappeared.

I shot out of bed just as the door banged open, making me jump away in fright.

"What is it JJ, are you okay?" It was Alpha Andrew that reached me first, before Lily and the Captains ran in.

"JJ, what is wrong? Were you harmed?" Meg questioned.

What was that? Was it a dream? I thought.

I looked around only to witness the concern on their faces, the strange woman wasn't here, so It was a dream. A very strange dream which felt too real.

Only after Ro offered to pick me up, did I realize I was on the floor at the very far corner of my room.

"Don't cry, please tell us what's wrong," Jody offered.

"I-I I'm so sorry f-for waking you all."

"You don't have to worry about that, you need to tell us what happened."

"I don't know, it was a woman."

"Woman?" They all chorused.

"It- it was a dream."

"A dream?"

"I think so, it felt so real, she was so scary," I cried out and Jody and Lily both climbed onto the bed comforting me.

Some hours later, I couldn't bear to remain in that room, and along with Meg who had stayed with me throughout, I went outside for a walk.

As I walked along with Meg I was reminded of the very first day I saw her, how terrified I was. But things slowly changed, I looked up to her now, and I didn't like the look she had given me yesterday, I wanted her to be proud of me, but I knew it was too much to ask, I wasn't even proud of myself how could she?

"Meg!" I called out to her.

Turning to me, she raised her brows signaling to continue. " I'm sorry."

She stopped walking to gawk at me. "Enlighten me of why exactly."

Looking down, I confessed once again.

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