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"Redder! Wake up, you need to get up now!"
I heard a soft voice whisper to me.
"Wake up Redder," the voice whispered again.
I groaned, " Let me be, I want to sleep more."

The voice chuckled, "You can't sleep more Redder, it's time to wake up." I was so tired and sleepy, and the soft caress of my hair didn't help, it felt so nice to have someone play with my hair, it was new and gentle, I wanted nothing more than to sleep and hug the person with the gentle touch.

"Redder, I know you pass through difficult times, but know that a difficult time can be more readily endured, if you retain the conviction that your existence holds a purpose.
And always remember that great things are done not by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together."
"One more thing Redder, I hope you can act, because you will need it. Now wake up."

On hearing that, I opened my eyes slightly to witness a fading form of a white dress. But before I could put more thought into it, it disappeared quickly, into the dark.

"Now what the heck was that!" I exclaimed upon getting up.
"Finally, you are awake, I couldn't tell if you were dead or just acting to be."

I flinched upon hearing the unmistakable voice of Dean. But I couldn't see him, the place was just too dark.

"What's happening, where are we?"

"After sleeping for two days, I thought you would be smarter. Would you mind keeping your voice down? Or I'm sure you want to alert our captors that the princess is finally awake."

"What! We were kidnapped? And I slept for two days?" Just after my shout, I heard a hiss from the direction of Dean's voice and a loud bang, it sounded like a door opening, then footsteps.

Before I could do or say anything else, bright light exploded in the room, blinding me for a moment. As my eyes adjusted to the light, I searched the room for Dean, and found him in a corner. I stared at him with my jaw almost upon the floor, fear engulfed my bones as I took in the situation around me.

We weren't in a room like I thought. Dean had been hanging by his hands in chains, his legs were also chained to the floor and he looked battered, he was covered in blood and looked extremely weak. His eyes, which were a shade of sparkling blue, green, now looked a dull shade of purple.

We were locked up in a cell, a very disgusting cell, that was covered in dust and bones. I was on the verge of throwing up.

The door to the cell rattled, reminding me of my doom. The footsteps got closer, as I took a glance outside my cell, I noticed that it had been just one cell out of a dozen. And each cell carried two or one person each.

The cell opposite mine, housed a girl who looked almost dead, she also hung with chains just like Dean, but she looked more exhausted and close to death. Her hair looked like it was brutally pulled out of its roots and she had injuries scattered all over her body.

The next cell housed a man, he looked close to his late forties or more, I couldn't really tell. He looked even more beating than the first. One of his eye sockets dangled like a trophy on his face, and I noticed his chained hands missed a few fingers. The scars on his body had me turning my face in horror, as tears spilled out of my eyes.

The heavy footsteps stopped in front of my cell, revealing a man, a tall man to be more precise. Just from the boot he wore, I could tell he was a warrior. He towered above me by almost two inches. Even though he was that tall, he looked lanky, like a sick person. He reeked of rotten meat, and had a watery looking yellow eyes. If I wasn't disgusted before, I surely am now, just looking into his eyes.

Valkyrie: Life of a WarriorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora