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"Hello, dear one, how do you feel now?" The healer greeted.

"I'm fine, thanks to you," I replied. I had no idea what he did, but I couldn't feel any pain on my nose anymore. And he only touched my nose with his palm.

"What happened this time around?" He asked

"Training." Mr headmaster answered.

"Nope, that wasn't training, that boy tried to kill me, he intentionally tried to break my nose."

The headmaster only rolled his eyes while mumbling a pathetic under his breath.

The healer sighed and looked at me." Dear one, you know you have to try, if you don't pass your test you will be executed, I am not trying to put pressure on you. But please try harder to at least learn how to defend yourself."

"I took self defense classes in my high school days, at least that will help right?"

They both exhaled loudly, the headmaster shook his head in disappointment while the healer looked sadly at me.

I felt sad all of a sudden, I didn't like how they looked at me, I don't know why, but I really wanted to impress them. I didn't even know these people, why do I care about what they thought of me.

I discarded the thought of pleasing them. But just as I glanced up at the headmaster and saw him staring at me with a look I couldn't describe. I knew that even if I tried, I wouldn't want to disappoint him again.

I bid the healer farewell and was led to the captains wing by the headmaster.

"Headmaster," I called to his attention. He nodded his head for me to continue.

"I know that you are very disappointed with me, and I want to try. But I have never had anything like this before. Heck, in my former school, if they gave an award for most, lazy student. I'm positive I would have been crowned.

But I really want to learn, I don't want to die you know, it's not really my fault that I have a delicate nose." I added, attempting a joke."

He scoffed at me,"try weak not delicate, Jay girl."

"Oh, come on. His elbow was too sharp and strong, it could cut through a rock if he tried to hit it. But don't worry, it won't happen again. I will avoid elbows from now on. And with you, training me, I will surely win."

"Keep cracking jokes like that, and you will surely kill your opponent."

"Ha ha Mr, I will let you know that my jokes are to die for."

He stopped walking, and faced me looking serious once more.

" Jay, I do not expect you to win, fact is, you can't win, especially against your opponent.
But what I expect is for you to give a fight that is worthy of a pardon from the elders. And will be the talk of the year."

" Wow, you have much faith in me." I said sarcastically. "What makes you think I can't win? I might surprise you."

"Don't get ahead of yourself Jay girl. No one expects you to win. And if by chance you do, it means all the eight years of training we give our students is a waste. Even if you fight the weakest of them all. You still have, the bigger chances of loosing."

"Then why am I asked to fight in the first place if they are so sure I will lose?"

"No one understands what's in the mind of the elders. But if I was asked. I would say your duel, determines if you stay or you know..."

Yeah, I knew. If I die. This was frustrating. I was emotionally drained. Everything was just getting real. I really had to fight for my life. It was at that moment, I realized that my reality was this. I have to put away everything I knew and start afresh.

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