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I couldn't help but compare the night with my own state of mind. Just like those clouds, my insides were in a chaos. A mess. Something bothered me. Something was hurting me. Something felt so wrong, so invalid, but I couldn't tell what. I tried to pinpoint the cause of this unexplained pain, but failed. I tried to reason this unbearable burning, but didn't find any. Everything felt so confusing like a jumbled set of puzzle.

For shorter periods of times I woke up, I saw Dean trekking the forest with another girl in front.

Then the other times I was asleep, I saw a woman dressed in a magnificent white dress, she stroked my hair while whispering soft words to me.

"She is alright," she said.

"Do not worry," she said.

"It was meant to be."

Those were the words she repeated over and over again.
It made no sense to me, I couldn't even remember why I had been hurt in the first place, why did Dean carry me on his back as if I was broken? Why did he never put me down except at night? Even when I heard the girl offering to carry me, he rebuked her. Why?

These thoughts kept playing in my mind till I fell asleep again, and went back to the comfort of the woman.

I could hear a soft melody, a woman singing a strange song with the most exulting voice. A Wave of calmness crashed into me, making me take a deep breath.

The feeling of having my hair played around with making me smile. Flowers were scattered all around me, I could perceive the strong scent of the earth, mixed with a feel of freshness. The sound of water waves crashing around me, giving me peace.

But in all these, it was the soft caress of my hair that got to me the most, I wanted to sleep for eternity while listening to the enticing song, I wanted to hug the soft skin that held onto me tight. It was paradise, I couldn't think about all the heaviness in my chest, and I could breath.

"Child! You have to wake up now."

The voice had seized it's melody, instead, it was replaced by an insistent voice, pulling me out of my slumber.

"Dear child, you cannot sleep forever, it is time, and everything must happen according to its time."

I had heard this voice before, but couldn't recall where. I didn't want to get up, but the voice kept insisting and saying annoying things about 'time'.

I opened my eyes to take in the scenery, and gasp out loud at the beauty staring back at me. I was in a garden, it didn't look exactly like a garden as it had an unending field of flowers. A fresh, clear stream was situated opposite me, making me wonder where I was.

I glanced behind me, only to gasp out louder than before. I knew where I heard that voice.

It was from the woman with the overflowing white dress and black hair I constantly saw in my dreams.

Is this also a dream? I wondered. But the only thing different from all the other dreams was that I actually never saw her face.

I stared into eyes that could be mistaken for diamonds, her skin was so soft that it glittered, literally. Her hair wasn't just a bland black color, it was a black that called to me, making my fingers twitch. I wanted desperately to touch her hair.

"Are you an angel?" I couldn't help but glance her back to check if there were wings, but sighed in disappointment when I saw none.

"Oh dear child, you flatter me." She chuckled out, with a blush on her cheeks.

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