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" What's your problem?!"

"What's my problem?" Dean replied with disbelief. "I tried speaking to you many times now, why are you ignoring me?"

"Oh, forgive me your highness, I didn't realize it was normal to hear your annoying voice in my head." I said irritated while standing up from the ground.

"Look, I'm not here to fight you. Can't we just have a peaceful conversation at least for now?"

"Huh? You want to have a peaceful conversation with me?"

Does he think I'm stupid or something? Tsk, I wouldn't believe him even in a thousand years to come.


I stared at him some more and he stared back unblinking.

"Oh... okay, so what is it you want to say?"

I couldn't think of any reason why he would suddenly want peace, and I didn't trust him at all, but I couldn't help being curious. What did he want?

"You can't tell anyone about that night." He finally said.

"Night? What night?"

"Night with the dream and me helping you. Does it ring any bell? " He spoke in my head which more than annoyed me.

"Why do you suddenly mind link, can't you just speak normally like a normal person? And how is it even possible that we can mind link or whatever it's called."

He scrunched his face as if irritated, then took three deep breaths before speaking.

"If you haven't noticed, I don't want anyone to hear what I'm saying that's the reason for the mind link."

"But no one is in a hearing distance psycho!"

I could see how much I aggravated him, it was a surprise to see him hold himself back from yelling. But I couldn't say he held himself from almost tearing his hair off. Did I anger him that much?

"Are you that dumb banshee?" He paused to breathe in before speaking. "If you had been taking your lessons a little serious, you would know that the distance between us and the others right now wouldn't stop them from listening in."

"Oh... I, uh... Remember that now"

Of course, how did I forget so soon, Valkyries had the ability to hear a lot further than the distance humans could. I didn't realize it was this much distance though.

"Alright, but how about my second question? As far as I know, except Meg and the headmaster no one else can mind link."

" Well, my ability to mind link isn't exactly a well known fact. Back to why you are here."

"Wait, pause first, let me get this straight. Apart from fire and teek, you can also mind control?"

On my question, he rested his back on a tree bark, crossed his hands and smirked.

"Not exactly mind control, but I can do a lot of things."

Really? how much bigger could his head be.

"Tsk, I suddenly don't want to know what a lot of things mean. Now, can we go back to the problem at hand? " I indicated by waving my hands around to direct his attention to our surrounding which was not where I wanted to be.

"As I was saying. About the attacks you encounter in your dreams, I believe its best you keep it a secret for now."

"Why? I think its too late for that, all the captains know of my nightmares already."

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