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What prevailed after I was hit by this beam of light was worse.

The whole place became pin drop silent.  I could even hear my heart beat clearly. Even the trees and breeze remained immobile.

"W-wha-t creature are y-you?" The girl creature asked.

What creature am I? She got some balls to ask me that question?  We should all be questioning what she is and not the other way round.

Then, as if struck by a realization she immediately gasped out.

"oly tar! O my tar! Are you JJ?"

That even got more shock reactions from us all.

olly tar? What the hell is tar?

And how the hell did she know my name?

I rose with care and dusted the soil and dried leaves off my body.

I stretched my arms, legs and jumped a few times to check if I had lost a body part.

Nope, all body parts intact.

"So... who are you? And what the heck! You almost killed me, how do you know my name, and how am I not dead? I'm pretty sure your friend just died from that lightening strike."

"Tsk... ee ad it coming a long time ago. Even though I'm surprised you aren't dead, I'm very relieved. I don't know aw I would've explained to the Agwam that I killed the uman."

Ok, I didn't know what was more weird. Her funny accent or that her partner had died from her strike without even a blink of care from her part.

"What do you want?" Meg said interrupting her.

"Wouldn't you wanna know uu I am first?" She said with a sigh.

This creature certainly sparked a lot of interest in me, I mean, apart from the fact that she had scales as her skin and long red hair, she wore no clothes. Not even an underwear. I suddenly became ashamed of my thoughts and looked away.

Before I could finish my thoughts,  Dean landed a heavy punch to lady creature making her stumble to the ground.

Damn... I didn't see that coming.

"She asked you a question, you better start answering now." He spat out.

"What the dreamy tar is your problem guardian prince!?" She screamed out while holding her bleeding nose.

I couldn't hold it in any more  and began to laugh.

I had never heard such curse word before.  Dreamy tar? Yeah, right. 

But yet again?  How did she know he was Guardian and Prince.

"I will not answer any of your questions you slimy lime." She said looking straight at Dean.

Slimy lime? Was that as insult? Holy shit, I couldn't believe people like this existed, it was hilarious. 

"I only answer to my Agwam." 

"Come on! At least could you tell us your name? I can't keep calling you lady creature in my head. " I asked.

"O, yeah. You can call me Kasit."

"Kasit? Wow, that is a... um... nice name."

"Of course it is. Did you expect me to have a funny name? Tsk..."

Wow, I gotta say, this creature was out of this world.  I didn't know what she considered a funny name, but 'Kasit' wasn't a not funny name. 

"Hmmm, by the way, I love your skin. It's so... Pretty."

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