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We hurried back into the classroom and sat down at the back seats.

I noticed some students, throwing me angry stares as we passed, but I disregarded them. I wasn't used to people hating me. But I was also skillful at dismissing people like them.

"Blue" I called to her attention.

"My name is Sigil"

"Yeah, Blue. I am curious. Everyone seems to hate me, is it because I'm new? Or it's just me. I don't understand.

Turning to me she sighed loudly.
" It's not because you are new."

"Oh, then it's me. But why? What did I do? ."

"It's not really you, well, it's you, but, how do I explain this? Alright, it's like this. We are not used to having someone like you around. And also the circumstance in which you entered the school, warrant many haters."

"Okay, what I understood is that. Because I am human, they hate me. And what circumstance are you talking about? I also remembered what Blondie said about me, causing problems, what is that?"

"You see, we all know that the captains went on a mission to Earth.
But we also heard that their mission almost failed because of you. But what is worst is that. Our captain. The captain of the A troop, is punished because of you. And losing her title to someone we are not in favor of.

That is just the summary of the first thing you did to make them hate you.

Then to add a cherry on top the mix, we heard that you dumped a hot cup of crescent tea on the most important person in this academy. The prince Dean, captain of the V troop.

So no matter what you did, to Monty. You are guaranteed a number of haters."

"Wow, that is the stupidest thing I have heard, in my twenty years of existence.

Number one; I was not the cause of them failing their mission. On the contrary, I was the reason they are even alive.

Two; I did not cause your dear captain to lose her title. I literally stopped a knife from piercing her head.

And three; I did not dump whatever tea you said, I don't even know what it is. It was a cup of water. How was I to know that he wasn't catching on fire?. Instead, he had fire power?.

Before she could respond or I could keep on counting how innocent I was, the teacher came in.

I was still so angry. So that was the reason, they all kept throwing me arrows as glances.

He introduced himself as Tom Banks, to just me, they all knew his name. The first thing I noticed about him was his height or lack of it.

He was very short. But looked muscular, had a full bushy light brown hair and a mustache.

I introduced myself to the class once again before the class started.

" You are locked in a room with a demon, two times your size, and with scales as tough as a brick wall. But you were given a choice of a weapon for your first strike.
One; a double edged sword.
A long, sharp spear.
A short, throwing knife.
And a two arm sword.

What will be your choice of weapon?. Mr Banks asked the class.

A girl in front raised her hand." I will have to pick the two arm sword." She said. And there were grumbles of agreement in the class.

"And why is that, Tay" he asked her.

"First of all. The demon has scales that are thick and hard to cut down. And obviously very strong. But because of its size. It will be slow.

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