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I groaned, feeling numb.

Waking up every morning had always been a problem for me. But today was quite different; It is worse, waking up with a headache is not the best way to start your day. My bed wasn't even as soft as usual, it was unusually hard. Opening my eyes to the brightest of light was also torture. I don't remember opening my curtains at all, I even had the weirdest dream last night.

I shot out of the bed so fast, eyes wide, and jaw wide open. Wait! Was it a dream?
Looking around for the first time, I noticed that I wasn't in my room. No, I wasn't even on a bed, I was on the freaking floor in what looked like an abandoned building. Just as I realize that the door of the building opened.

A girl stepped in, she was tall, very tall, I estimated about six feet or more. She had black hair that was shaved on one side and was cut short to her chin. She had muscles I could tell.

Walking towards me with heavy and thunderous footsteps. Her face showed displeasure, she had a deep frown. Her purple eyes twinkled with anger, the same eyes I thought I imagined. At the side of her right eye, was a little scar, overall she looked murderous.

"Well well well, look who decided to wake up." The huge girl said, glaring at me.

I didn't even know what to say, I was sitting on the floor just staring with my mouth wide open. And then she started walking towards me again, one step... Two steps, my eyes going wider as she came closer. Just as she stopped a few feet in front of me, I closed my mouth and then opened it again, just to release an ear busting scream. With eyes closed, I screamed so loud that the girl took a few steps back.

"W-w-who are you- you?" I tried to say, but my voice came out squeaky and I stammered badly.

"No, the question here is who are you?" She growled, having been annoyed by my scream.

Woah, she is an angry chick, "how will you escape this one now JJ," I thought.
Just before I could answer her, we were interrupted. I was almost thankful for the interruption if I hadn't seen who did.

"Come on! Wulf cut the drama, you are scaring her."

Another girl came bouncing in. The first thing I noticed about her, was how smallish she looked. She had long whitish blonde hair that was packed into a high bun. And contrary to her partner, she had a full-blown smile on her face. She walked or rather skipped in, she looked like a child and even behaved like one.

"Hey, sorry about Wulf there, she is just bad at communicating."

She winked at me. I felt faint, the kidnappers are psycho's, oh my God. I pray they don't slice me into small pieces, or use an ax to chop my body parts, just thinking of that sent a shiver down my spine. I am officially freaked out, it couldn't get any worse than this.

The universe was against me, and I spoke too soon. Because just after that thought, another girl came, strolling into the building.

She had nothing much standing out in her. She was tall, she had very pale skin, I could hardly even hear her footsteps as she walked. I couldn't see much of her face with how far she stood away from me. But with the little I could see, I didn't understand at all, she looked blank and had brown hair just up to her shoulders. She was the weirdest of them all.

As she came closer to me, I could see in her eyes a type of confidence that the other two did not possess. She looked at me as if trying to study me, and I did the same to her. Then she paused, staring at me some more, and narrowed her eyes at me only slightly, that if I wasn't already studying her purple eyes, I wouldn't have noticed.

But that's not what made it worst actually. It was what she was holding. A massive, thick, heavy, and far too rough sword. It was too big to be called a sword, more like a heap of raw iron, firmly held on the girl's right hand.

I tried to stay calm, or as calm as I could, but coupled with how loud my heartbeat could be heard, and how my hands shook uncontrollable. I wasn't calm at all, I was terrified.

I tried thinking of all the training I had received from my younger years and all that had been drilled into my head by my hired bodyguard. He always told me I wasn't a regular teenager, as my mom had always been a celebrity. It is normal for celebrities' children to get kidnapped and since I fought against having a bodyguard, it's left for me to deal with my problems.

Out of everything he had taught me, I took more interest in learning how to hack any computer, I wasn't a genius or anything, but I always loved the thought of getting into people's computer without their permission.

But right now, hacking won't help me out, so I tried to study them and their movement, I might get an opening where I could escape. So that is what I did, I followed their movement closely.

The huge angry girl walked around in huge strides, looking very angry and disturbed about something, she kept groaning and slapping the side of her lap for some weird reason.

The bubble smiling girl kept smiling at me, I don't know if it was to reassure me, but she was doing a bad job of it. She made me feel nervous and all I thought was that she was a psycho.

I turned to the last girl and received quite a shock, she already had her eyes on me, she stared intently at my eyes and I was almost sure she knew what I had been thinking.

Then she came walking towards me with no damn expression on her face. Well, I didn't see her get any closer again because the slight headache I felt a while ago, exploded at once making my head spin. I felt a surge of tiredness fill my bones and I felt weak. But all at once, it disappeared, and before I could process what had transpired, black spots enveloped my sight.


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Psycho queen

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