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I opened my eyes to the brightest of light. I was laying  down on a little bed, where there were rows of same beds in the room.

I looked around, only to realize that I  was in the healing wing.  Then I thought back to what had transpired in the field, and it totally made no sense at all.

I defended myself, but with powers? And that feeling I felt just a second later, it was different. I felt as if my years of hunger had been satisfied. As if I was complete. It was both terrifying and awesome.  

I've always known something about me was different. But I didn't know what.  Come on! Right from the first day I had the tingles, then my over fast reflex.  It's not something that anyone or human could do.

So, was I human?  Gosh! What is wrong with me, have I always been a human. But no normal human had a real life pest speaking in their head. And no normal human could bring out an invisible glass from their hand.

Was I running mad? Maybe it's just a dream. Or maybe it's this world that is changing me. I might be human, but reacting to Valhalla's  air. Wait! Do they even breath in oxygen? 

I was so deep in thought that I didn't see or hear the healer enter the room.

"You might melt off the ceiling if you keep glaring at it that way." I was startled out of my thoughts on hearing the healer's voice.

"Oh my heavens,  you scared me." I said while struggling to contain a fit of coughing. 

I was handed a cup of water, which I gulped quickly.

"But wait, is it possible?  I mean to melt the ceiling with my gaze."

"Of course not." He said, laughing silently, then he froze. " Um, I don't actually know that.  If you had asked me three weeks ago, if a human could enter Valhalla, I would have told you no, but here you are."

I sighed out, and decided to ask the question that had been bothering me.

" But, am I... Human?" I whispered, afraid to say it loud.

"That's the thing, dear one. Your aura, says you are hundred percent human,  but your actions speak otherwise."

"Really, I'm human? Thank goodness. But what happened today? I'm confused!"

"Hey, you still need to rest, don't bother yourself about that right now okay?"

True, I still felt drained, and numb. The fight had taken a toll  out of me. But I had so many questions."


"Yes, dear one."

"What will happen to me now, I fought her. Did I win? She broke the rule first, so she was disqualified right?"

" Yes, you won dear, but no one but the elders can say what's next. And even before she used her power,  you would have won, you were so good."

I smiled, " thank you healer."

I wondered about my mom, my friends back on earth,  did they miss me? Was my mom too busy to notice I'm gone? Of course,  she never even cared that much about me, she had gone a full year without speaking to me, so what was three weeks. My friends would have missed me, maybe for the first week, and forget I even exist.

Those thoughts, made me feel sad all of a sudden.

"You are doing it again, dear one. You might just melt the whole room down."

"Healer, I called softly."

"How much time has passed back on earth? I once watched in a movie,  where someone went to a different word,  for just a day, and when he was back on earth, all his friends were dead or very old."

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