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"I hate Dean! I hate him so much,  he is so annoying. I can't believe this," I grumbled as I walked along the trees. 

"Outrageous!  Despicable! Irritating!  Um... Horrid!  So mean! Vile! So annoying.

"So... So...So..."

"Outrageous?  Despicable?"

"Not funny Cicero,  not funny!"

"It's actually funny," Cicero said, laughing hard."

"Can you believe it, he actually left, he left me alone here."

"If I remember correctly,  you were the same person who chased him away, you said, and I quote.

' Get away from me, you slimy insect! I did not need your help, now shoo away!' 

And of course he glared at you and left."

"But I didn't  think he would actually go, I expected him to insult me back and then we reunite and become one big family. Then we find our way back and live happily ever after!

Um... Forget that last part, well... And the second to the last part."

But all Cicero did was laugh harder.

I kept looking for the Jerk, but couldn't find him.

"Prince Jerk! Prince Jerk where are you?" I shouted, but got no reply.

"Okay, I'm sorry Dean, I was only kidding," again I got nothing.

"Come on, don't be a jerk, I said I'm sorry, those wolves might have friends,  and  the  friends might come to have revenge on their killers." 

I sat down on a big root resting my head on the tree and closed my eyes. I was exhausted,  all these weird things happening to me rubbed me of my energy.

It wasn't long till I drifted off to sleep.


I was startled  out of sleep by a hand covering my mouth. Immediately,  my reflex took over, and I elbowed the culprit hard on the chest,  earning a soft groan and a spank to the head.

I turned around only to see Dean glare at me. I was about to speak, when he covered my mouth again and pointed in a direction behind himself. 

That was when I understood and glanced that way.

A group of heavy looking men strolled the woods, each of them all holding big terrifying guns. My breath hitched as I noticed how abnormally big they looked, they were all dressed in dark clothes.

They were five men in total,  and the man who seemed to be leading them, had crazy looking tattoos on his face, neck and arms. I couldn't decipher what the design on his face was meant to be, but it was ugly.

I gulped, it was better to face the wolves than to face these men, they had a scary vibe.

I watched them walk slowly and steadily away from view, and took in a breath of relief after a while when they didn't turn back. 

  I turned to Dean questioning him about the men, but I got just one scary answer.

" Wolves."

We walked the opposite direction of where the wolves followed.

After a long while, of trekking in silence,  well Dean trekked in silence while I tried every possible way to annoy him. Believe me, I tried every possible way.

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