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(When things are taken in a more dramatic way)

"My Lord-!" the Knight was cut off, by the Count.

"Let me guess," he turned to the Knight, "Another zombie fell from the roof?"

"No sir, Miss Ericka wanted to-"

"WHAT?! WHY?! WHAT HAPPENED TO HER?!" he began to panic, the other guests in the lobby looking over there direction.

"No, nothing happened," he informed and Dracula had calmed down, "She just requested to see you."

"Oh... thank you."


The Count had entered to where Ericka was. Turns out that she was in the kitchen - the Knight had informed him. The place was oddly dark so he went to the light switch, but it still wouldn't work. He looked up at the ceiling and saw that there was no lightbulb. It suddenly felt chilly around him. Sending goosebumps down to his spine. He then heard a voice that made him yelp.

"It's cold, Count?"

Ericka dragged the sentence with a sultry voice. Dracula had looked at her and saw her menacingly looking back at him from the darker part of the kitchen, near the refrigerator.

"N-No..." he cleared his throat, being surprised that he stuttered, "Why'd you need me?"

"Oh well," her voice changed in a more cheerful one, as she glided to him, her fingers running on top of the counter, "Just wanted to ask you something..."

He released a relieved sigh, "Oh what is it then?"

"Did you ate my cookie?" her voice still stayed in a sweet and harmless tone, "The plate of cookies in the 'family' refrigerator?"

(yea i really don't know if they have a 'family' fridge)

"W-What are you talking about?"

Suddenly, Ericka's expression came back to the first thing that Drac had saw when he entered the kitchen. But now with a smirk.

"Playing dumb?" she walked closer, her face only an inch away from his, "I like it."

"I'm not playing anything-" he tried to defend himself but he caught himself when Ericka picked up something from his cape, it was a crumb.

"Aww, but i thought we were playing a game." she cooed, backing away from him.

"Okay! Okay, i ate the cookies!" he admitted, "I'm sorry, please!"

"Come here now, Drac." she said, sternly.

"Wait, what? Why?" he asked, dumbfounded, until it sink into him.

"Just come here,"

"No, no... you're gonna hit me." he said as he backed away.

"You want me to come to you?"

"Come on! I'll replace it!" he begged, but now she had started to chase him.

~the end~


This was based on a post i saw on tumblr and just wanted to try it :DD Hope you enjoyed!

Stay safe everyone!

( ˘ ³˘)♥︎

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