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(Okay um... i forgot how to spell that Cake monster Dennis liked, is it 'Kakie'? This is a story based on a tumblr post i saw... and this is... weird. I think. *shrugs*)

"So Denisovich, what do you want for your birthday tomorrow?" Dracula asked, they were all now eating their dinner at the dining room.

"I want to see Kakie!" Dennis said cheerfully.

"Who is Kakie?" Ericka asked, having a bite of her salad.

"It's just a cartoon monster." Johnny explained.

"Uh... other than Kakie... you know, something we can all enjoy?"

"Hmm, how about laser tag?" Johnny suggested.

All of them looked at Johnny with the 'What-is-that?' look, leaving Johnny to explain.

"It's a game... let's just check it out tomorrow," he said, "Is that okay for you?" he turned to the little boy as he ruffled the red curls and watched him nod.


"What is laser tag? Exactly?" Dracula asked the employee, who was now giving them their vest and their guns.

The employee rubbed his face with his hands, internally screaming as he grunted. He has been explaining what laser tag is at this vampire for a thousand time and he rubbed his temples.

"Laser tag is when you tag each other by shooting them with your laser gun! And then get each others flags! GET IT?!" his voice was getting aggravated with every word that released from behind his gritted teeth.

Johnny noticed it and went to the employee and whispered, "Sorry about him, he's quite a grandpa."

It made the employee laugh, but not Dracula because he heard it all. But he just didn't responded, he didn't want to suck the blood out of his son-in-law.

When the employee left, Mavis asked,

"What are the teams?"

Red team: Drac, Johnny, and Mavis

Blue team: Ericka, Dennis, and Winnie

"But, Ericka..." Drac made a pouty bat face as he mentally begged for her to his team.

"It's okay honey, besides, i want to help this kids to win." She said as she adjusted her vest and gave him a wink.

"Oh! We'll see about that! I have two vampires with me!" Johnny bragged making the others laugh.

"Oh we'll see." Ericka muttered under her breath with a smirk.

They all went in the room and noticed how dark it was and it was full of obstacles here and there. That point going to the Blue Team because of the two vampires, they can see through the dark. But the Red Team didn't care, that doesn't mean they are gonna let them win. Besides, they have one vampire, to be specific, a half vampire.

"So what's the plan?" Mavis asked, they were all hiding behind a 4 ft tall wall, all of them were kneeling.

"We don't need a plan to win over kids!" Johnny laughed, "And we can easily see Ericka."

"We can't judge them now, we know that Ericka is cunning, Dennis might kick your butts just as he kicked those bat cronies," he laughed, "and Winnie can smell where you guys are!" Drac explained, having to count each finger to each of what he said.

"Dad's right... but what's the plan?"

"Uh... i dunno, how about let's just take them down one by one... then get the flag... or... let's pick the classy one which is... split up?" Johnny suggested.

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