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"Don't you guys feel like going out?" Murray asked while having a bite from his burger. They were all eating around the family table for dinner.

"Actually i've been having that feeling for a week!" Ericka said as she took a sip from her juice.

"But if we go now... we would only have a short amount of time." Drac informed them.

"Dad's right. How about tomorrow?" Mavis suggested.

"Hm, good point." Ericka agreed having a bite from her fries.


So, to keep things simple, they decided to go to a mall. Well, most humans have already accepted monsters so it was more easy for the Drac pack to get in the mall. First thing they did was to eat, so they can power up their energy for the long day. After eating, there was a bit of a problem, to go to arcade or to the shopping area. Most of the boys wanted to go to the arcade but most of the girls wanted to go to the shopping area. To have no more arguments, Mavis said,

"How about split up?" She suggested.

"SPLIT UP?!" Drac shouted in a high pitched voice which made them cover their ears. Realizing it, "I'm sorry..."

"Why? What's wrong with it?" Murray asked him.

"It's just that..." Drac glanced at Ericka with worried eyes.

"Oh man! There is no need to worry about her! She kicked the Kraken's ass!" Murray joked as he nudge Drac's sides. Ericka giggled upon hearing this as she said with a slight chuckle, "Don't worry Drac... i'll be fine with the girls!"

"Alright..." Drac hugged Ericka tightly, as if a child losing it's candy. Which it made Ericka giggle. A few moments later and they managed to get Drac to lose his grip as the guys and gals went on their separate ways.

The guys had Dennis with them, and Winnie because you can't separate those cuties! Anyways, they had so much fun as they tried every game their eyes could see. They would even try out some of them twice. They all looked like they were kids again.

As for the gals, they were of course, shopping. Trying every clothes their eyes meet. But Ericka was having some trouble, she can't find her color! The floor they were into was filled with the colors of rainbow, no white, and even black! Which was also a trouble for Mavis.

"Hey Mavis, do you wanna come with me?" Ericka asked the vampire.

"Sure, where?"

"Anywhere to find my color... you're having troubles too right?"

"I guess i am... i can't find the right black..." Mavis grasped Ericka's wrist saying, "Come on." And so, they left, forgetting to inform the others where they went. Mavis and Ericka asked out guards where to find the right clothes. And so they went on the elevator to go upstairs. Just as they got in the elevator, an announcement was heard,

Good evening everyone, there have been problems with our electricity so there would be power outage. But please stay calm, it wouldn't take long. Thank you for your understanding.

And so, the lights turned off. Ericka grabbed her phone from her purse and turned on the torch giving them at least a source of light.

I wonder how are they doing... Drac thought in his head whilst holding Dennis' hands, the other hand was holding his phone with the torch on too, keeping close to his friends. Suddenly, he received a call,

Dracula: Oh hi-

Crystal: Drac! Have you seen Mavis and Ericka?

Worry suddenly rushed over his body.

Dracula: What do you mean? Aren't they with you?

Crystal: Y-yeah they were earlier... we don't know where they are now...

Drac just stood there for awhile hearing Crystal on the other line call his name. He ended the line and sprinted off, giving Dennis to the group.


"Mavis, is it just me? Or is it getting hot in here..." Ericka asked Mavis whilst wiping her forehead.

"Says the one wearing long sleeves and pants." Mavis joked.

"No... no, i'm serious."

Mavis suddenly felt a drop of sweat travelled down from her forehead, down to her chin. "You're right. It is getting hot..." Mavis told her while she wiped the sweat away.


Now, Drac was at the shopping area when he saw a small source of light up ahead. That must be them... he thought to himself as he sprinted to them. Eunice saw him as she waved her hands to him.

"Where are they?" Drac asked frantically.

"W-we don't know..." Wanda said softly.

"What do you mean you don't know? You guys were together!" He wasn't mad, he was worried. The girls just bowed their heads, also worried for where they are.

"Alright... stay here." Drac told them as he sprinted off again, until he got an idea he wished he had thought earlier. He grabbed his phone and went to his contacts, he saw his zing's name and tapped the number. He waited for Ericka to answer as he tapped his feet, as if he was Bugs Bunny. Until it answered,

Ericka: Hi Draccy~

Drac: Ericka where are you?!

Ericka: Um... stuck in an elevator...?

Drac: WhAt?! Wait... is Mavis with you?

Ericka: Yeah she is right here beside me. *Ericka gave the phone to Mavis*

Mavis: Hi dad...

Drac: Oh thank god! You guys just stay where you are, okay?

Mavis: Well how can we go anywhere when we are stuck here...

Drac: What elevator are you in?

Mavis: Um... (she asked Ericka) just beside the food area exit... the second elevator on the left.

Drac: Alright... see you.

And then Drac ended the line.

"See you?" Mavis echoed.

"He is probably gonna get us." Ericka told Mavis as she stifled a laugh.

Drac finally got to where Ericka and Mavis were. He used his powers to open up the door, when he did, it was a void. What? He asked himself. He looked inside and up and he saw something, he flew up and punched it with his fists creating a hole. He heard screaming inside as he asked, "Mavis? Ericka? Is that you?"

"Oh my god! Drac! Are you insane? You're destroying a property!" Ericka told him. Drac made the hole bigger as he went inside, saying smugly, "At least you guys are safe now."

"Ugh... *face palm*"

~the end~


So hi! Another day huh? Lemme tell ya somethin' ... the malls i was referring to... was the malls in my country. Here, our malls are all in ONE. They have salons, arcades, restaurants, and many more! Even a concert area! And i just explained that to you in case you are confused why is there an arcade at a mall? In some countries they don't do that so... yep. And i know, i know... what a boring chapter.

Stay safe everyone!

( ˘ ³˘)♥︎

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