>33< (Blah... blah... blah Part 3)

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Before you continue to read this... please do read this short note first.

This is just a list i made and i know not all of you would agree on the following lists too. It's okay, i respect that. We have our own opinions so please... if it happened that you didn't liked what i listed, or even just one of them, just ignore it for the best :> Because in reality, Genndy and the others is still the one who decides. Anyways... i just wanna share them!

What i want (and not) to see for the fourth movie:

- Since the voice actor of Ericka, Kathryn Hahn, can sing... I WANNA SEE ERICKA SING ON THE FOURTH MOVIEEE!!! :>>
- I also want more scenes where they would sing like in the first and second movie. Because in the third, they only danced! But at least the Kraken sang for them.
- Is it just me? I want more drama! Lol, sorry. I wanna see them cry too!
- And more fighting scenes please! I wanna see Ericka fight in a real combat! WAAHHH!
- Oh... i don't wanna see Dennis and Winnie as an adult... i want them to stay in their cute, small bodies! And more scenes for them! Sorry for those who want to see them as an adult :<
- I am sorry for this one... especially for... those who wants Drericka to have a child because... i don't want to... *nervous laugh*. But i respect Genndy's decision. AND I ALSO RESPECT YOU GUYS! LOVE YOU ALL!!!
- I want to see Drac... to turn Ericka into a... you know... A VAMPIRE!!!
- I don't like the theory where... Martha is Ericka reincarnate... because it would bring more conflict! I mean... i love Martha and her relationship with Drac... i love her so so much! I highly respect that. But please Genndy... make your decisions wisely. Thank you.
- I want a scene in the movie where Mavis and Ericka would have a mother-daughter date!
- And i want a mini conflict in the movie where some monsters still doesn't trust her so she is gonna prove herself to them and all that hehe.
- I want them to have, another, near death experience!!! *evil laugh*
- If Van Helsing really did change... i want him to prove that to them! Maybe... he would... sacrifice...? mwehehehe.
- I want to know about Ericka's past please! HEAR ME OUT GENNDY TARTAKOVSKY AND THE CREW OF THIS MOVIEEE!!! And also Drac's mother... i wonder what she looked like... hMmm.
- I hope Ericka wears something else for a change... like, i mean a dress! You know? Stuff like that.
- Please... upgrade Mavis' character! I mean... she is just... cute! No offense to that, i love her, but atleast... 'upgrade'? I mean... just, no, nevermind that.
- I hope this next movie takes place back at the hotel!

Okay... that was all i had, hehe.

Wait... i just noticed, the whole franchise has so many things to catch up on. Like more Dennis and Winnie scenes, so as the other couples, Ericka's past, other Van Helsings, Drac's mom and other stuff that i didn't mention. How can they put that all in 90 minutes?! Maybe they should just make a fifth movie! *evil laugh*

HmMmm. Okay that's all. Good bye! Love you all and please stay safe and... keep on supporting Hotel Transylvania!!!

Or else... i'll hunt you down...

Nah, just kiddin'


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