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This takes place when they got home at the hotel and after Drac proposed to Ericka.

After the 'Atlantis incident' Ericka still decided to continue her work as a captain on their cruise ship called Legacy.

She woke up early to see that it was 5:30 in the morning, she got up and got ready to go to her work. After that she kissed goodbye to Drac, who was still sleeping, and left.

She got to there cruise on time, she picked her things up from her car and went inside, she went to her cabin, put her stuff down and went to her great grandfather's room.

"There you are! How are you doing?" Abraham greeted.

"Great as i'll ever be." She said and gave him a smile as she raised her hand to show him the engagement ring.

Abraham gasped and said "You're engaged to that monster?!"

"Oh please, he is NOT A MONSTER!" she snapped and left.

Meanwhile, her shift has ended and went to her cabin, exhausted. She closed the door behind her and changed her clothes. Then her phone ringed and she answered it. It was Drac.

"Oh hi hon-" she was cut off by Drac.


She realised that Drac just woke up because it was night time, then she said "Relax honey, im fineeeee. Didn't i told you that i have work?"

"Oh, right." Drac said in relief.

"So how are you?" She asked.

"Me? I miss you" he said.

"What? But im gone for like... 14 hours and you already missed me?" She said giggling.

"That's how i love you my honey bat." He said.

"Stop it" she said as she turned to beetroot red.

"Oh i have to go, i have some... stuff i have to attend to." Drac said.

"Aw, well then goodbye my zing, i love you." Ericka said

"Goodbye, i love you too, see you later!" He said and the line ended.

Later? she asked herself. But this trip is still gonna last for a week, what does he mean?  She continued her thoughts but later on decided to brush her teeth. As she was done, someone knocked on her door.

"Just a sec!" She yelled from her bathroom.

When she opened the door, she was shocked with the person standing in front of her, it was Drac. She still couldn't believe it so she rubbed her eyes. But he is still there.

"Wait this is just a dream." She said to herself.

"No honey, its really me." Drac said trying to convince her.

"But what are you doing here?" She asked.

Drac didn't anwered back. He smiled and looked into her light blue eyes that seemed to reflect the ocean. He moved closer to her and hugged her tightly as ever, at first she flinched, but he felt her muscles relax in his arms. Soon then she hugged him back.

"I missed you too" she murmured.

After a while, which felt like eternity, they broke there hug.

"Wait... if your here, then who is watching the hotel?" She asked.

"Oh, Mavis got it covered for me." He said.

"Well, don't you wanna come in?" She asked as she moved aside for Drac to be able to come in.

"I'd love to." He said walking in.

As Ericka closed the door behind her she asked, "So what do you have in mind for tonight?"

"Well not much" he uttered.

"Do you... want any drinks?" She asked walking to her mini fridge, she opened it up to show him different kinds of it like, milk, chocolate milk, orange juice, and even wine!

"How about you?" Drac asked her back.

"I'd prefer wine." She chuckled as she grabbed the bottle of wine and two glass. She walked beside her bed and sat on the floor, she pat the space beside her and said,

"You can sit here" she smiled.

Drac sat beside her and scooted closer, she then poured the wine onto the glass and gave it to Drac. He thanked her and drinked it.

Moments went by and Ericka was feeling very tired, Drac wrapped his arms around her waist while she relaxed her head on his shoulders. He heard her sigh and murmured something inaudible, making him curious. Soon then he heard her make cute snores. He kissed her head and rested his head on top of hers.

Before he fell asleep, her phone buzzed making it light up. It was across the room, but gladly, he had powers which he used to grab the phone, after that, he saw her wallpaper. It was her with her great grandfather, she looked younger in that photo. The phone was locked, he saw something in the screen.

"... finger... print?" He muttered, than he got the idea, Mavis thought him before about this technology. He then reached for Ericka's finger's and placed it in the screen of her phone, to his luck, it worked!

"Cute..." he muttered as he went through her gallery, he saw a bunch of photos of her, some with her great grandfather, some with the fishmen, some are just the ocean with its sun set or sun rise. He didn't saw anything else. But before he could go deeper in her phone, she woke up. Drac putted the phone on where it was before as fast as he could before she could see him.

"Oh you're still awake." She said in a tired voice poking Drac's nose softly.

"Haha... well i still am." He said nervously as he stood.

"Where are you going?" She asked looking straight into his eyes.

"Taking you to your bed" he said as he picked up Ericka and slightly tucked her in her bed, and he lay down beside her.

Ericka, who is half awake, then wrapped her arms and legs around him, making him flinch at first, but then he gave back the favor. He could hear her snores, she must be asleep, he thought. So he brushed her soft, platinum blond hair gently, and her soft cheeks with his fingers. Suddenly, he felt his eyelids getting heavier than usual, not long after, he fell asleep too.

~the end~


Hi... its me again :>. I actually dunno where to go with this one. But im really, really trying my best coz im just a newbie hereeee, and i just joined here at May 24, 2020 (yep i know, no one's asking). Please forgive meeee. :>

Stay safe everyone!

( ˘ ³˘)♥︎

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