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(really don't know what this is...)

Ericka was just supposed to find her zing, she was supposed to tell him something - an idea for their wedding. But as she was crossing through the lobby that night, a sight caught her. There was a crowd of monsters and humans, circled around something, or perhaps someone. She got intrigued and walked to it. She stood on her toes because of the height of this monsters, they were too tall. She groaned as she tried to jump to see what was going on. A brow quirked up when she spotted a red head in the middle and the monsters seemed to be cheering for him. Her curiosity is eating her. So she just asked the bigfoot in front of her.

"Excuse me," she tapped his shoulder, making him to look down at her.

He greeted with a smile, "Good eve, Countess!"

She stifled a laugh at the name, she still wasn't used to it. She asked, "What's going on?" she pointed at the crowd with a confused look.

"Oh, Johnny is challenging humans for an arm wrestling."

"Arm wrestling?" she echoed with a brow quirked.

He nodded, "Yeah, he isn't even defeated yet." But before she could respond, they heard Johnny's voice along with cheering from the crowd,

"Alright!" he yelled, "Who's next? Come on bring it on!"

A smirk crawled her lips, she spoke in a commanding-like voice, "I am!"

Hearing hearing her made the crowd make way for her, she finally saw that there was a table in the middle and Dennis and Winnie was beside it, having orange handkerchiefs tied around their heads, and Johnny has a green one. She wanted to regret participating because of the eyes burning around her. But she stood and walked up to the table, now being in front of Johnny.

"That's a tough choice, Ericka." he joked.

"What was this even for?" she asked, internally getting ready for the challenge.

"I dunno, perhaps for fun." he laughed, placing his elbow on the table.


She rolled up her right arm's sleeve then placed her elbow on the table too, readying her position. As their hands met, she felt a sudden tension as she listened from the cheering crowd. She was surprised when Stan walked up, dressed in a referee's suit. He stood between the two and said,

"In three... two... one... start!"

The crowd went quiet. Some of them regretted that they blinked. It was just too fast. Even Dennis and Winnie fell agape. Two humans were standing in front of each other, their elbows on the table. But the back of Johnny's hand were collided with the table, being pushed by Ericka's. Johnny stared wide eyed.

"Wow..." he mumbled, "That... was... AWESOME!"

As he shouted, the crowd went cheering again at the top of their lungs.

"So..." Ericka said, straightening her clothes, "What's it gonna be?"

Johnny turned to look at him, "What... what's it gonna be?"

"I mean... is there like a prize or something?"

"Oh..." Johnny sighed, untying the handkerchief on his head, he grinned a he gave it to Ericka, "You are going to be the next one to challenge them!"

"Wait... WHAT?!"

"Oh yes, you'll enjoy it." Johnny patted her back and skipped through the lobby.

~the end~


Haha! Well, that wasn't actually the ending i was actually going to put but... er... it got complicated as i was writing it. But, i hope you enjoyed! And if you did, hope ya leave a vote, woo-hoo!

Stay safe everyone!


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