Suka #98

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Of course, the education system is fucked up. Neil deGrasse Tyson constantly shows this fact. Here are the obvious signs:

1. When students cry and go crazy over grades.
2. When students hate Mondays and long for Fridays.
3. When travel to school is like going thru hell.
4. When .ppt presentations make them sleep.
5. When they go to classes late.
6. When they skip classes.
7. When they don't ask questions after classes.
8. When they get interested on social events over academic ones.
9. When they don't feel anything going out of school except stress and depression.
10. When students talk about trivial things after classes.

Learning is not a tyrant. A good system makes students:

1. Go to school with high spirits because finally, LEARNING IS FUN.
2. Have perfect attendance without lates because THEY CAN'T AFFORD MISSING ANY DETAIL OF THE SUBJECT.

3. Talk about lessons after classes, engage in debates, punch a classmate for saying Edison is the coolest inventor (Tesla is the man).

ISKRIBOL (Mga Suka ng Isang Bored na Otistik)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon