Suka #35

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No one is free. Slavery was never abolished. They enslaved the blacks before, now they involved all colors. You are pushed to wake up in the morning, get educated, take public transport, eat, shit, take insurance, work, procreate, more work, more procreations. You are institutionalized. You are a slave, but they dub you as a free man. You are pushed to think like everyone else. You are pushed to choose like everyone else. You are slowly getting rid of the concept of "I" and replace it with the concept of "We". Damn them all. Get the hell out.

The system is a bitch that fucks you everyday. It sucks your life with the concept that you need to work and earn money for a better life. Money was never life. But now it is. And damn it plays well and we don't know it. We may know it but we shrug it off because it is what the system expects us to do. Fuck the royals. Fuck the kings and queens and the rich bitches. Fuck their system of economic separation. Fuck their government. Fuck their moral absolute claims. Fuck altruism.

Live your life as how you see it best lived. Not by their demands. Not by their standards. Not by their rules. Fuck their rules. Fuck their laws. Live a life so by death you will regret less. Live a life so by death you will not regret why you chose spending your time more earning money and more debts than living a life that suffices your inner needs. Live. Live and fuck them all who go against you.

ISKRIBOL (Mga Suka ng Isang Bored na Otistik)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon