Suka #56

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I feel those students who come in classes late, confused, and pale; those who still don't know why they chose this program; those who are scared shitless of what will they be after college. I've been there. February of 2013, barely a month to end the semester, I ceased going to my classes. I neglected all academic duties I had. I dropped out of confusion. I feel you, kids. There is no such thing as Bachelor of Arts in Something I'm Good At, or Bachelor of Science in Things I Love Doing. It is more like choosing our factions or playing the hunger games. You are forced to be someone you're not. Those mornings of coming to school late and scarce of spirit, I feel that. It came to a point that I don't want to be educated anymore. I don't want to be fed and dictated. I don't want to get a job. I don't want anything but to learn. I did just that. I read about stuff not inclined with my program. I go out, meet people, talk to them, learn from them.

Separate yourself. Finish that program, get a job if you want to, but never abandon what your heart mostly desired. Don't worry, young ones. Tap yourself and whisper "I will fail. I will fall. I will get up." Carry on.

ISKRIBOL (Mga Suka ng Isang Bored na Otistik)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon