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After mom's family had left we were informed by Lucio that there were werewolves heading towards us and we all went into high alert, we walked outside and we were met with Francisco was infront of the werewolves that had traspassed on our lands. I looked at mom and you could tell that she wasn't happy to see him in front of the rouges that had traspassed our lands, I took a deep breath and I was able to smell my mothers family as well as my brothers but I knew mom couldn't smell them since when she was rejected by my brother and she accepted the rejection she has had a mark on her ankle with an "X" going over it which has made her which we have found out meant that she was rejected and being of alpha blood it wasn't good that she got rejected.

"What is going on here Francisco" mom asked
"What do you think is going on my dear lovely wife" Francisco said

We heard a growl but when we looked around we saw Lucio really mad and mom figured that it had been him when in reality i knew it was my brother, I turned towards the woods and was able to see my uncles pull my brother back into the woods before I turned to look at Francisco and I knew that he was in for a big surprise right now he may be thinking that we are out numbered but in reality he was the one out numbered since my grand fahers and his cousins fighters were hidding in the woods.

"I see alot of rouges on my lands and my husband in front of them" mom said
"And I see you out numbered so it will be easy to kill you and take over your pack, I mean you are already dying since your mate rejected you for his half sister" Francisco said
"And who said that we are out numbered" I said
"What are you talking about" Francisco asked
"Before I ran out here with mom, I had enough time to text my uncle Mike and let him know that we might be needing their help" I said
"And why would they help your mother out" Francisco asked
"My mothers full name is Maria Janet Montoya Soto, daughter of Alpha and Luna Montoya" I said

At that time my grand father and everybody that was with him came out of the tree line, when the rouges saw them they started to back away from us but were stopped by some of the fighters that came with my grand father and his cousins. When they were next to us you could tell that Francisco wasn't expecting the information that I had given him, mom never talked to him about her family since she didn't want him to know how powerful she can be or that I really was since I got alpha blood and beta blood running through my vines, my brothers got next to me as everybody got next to mom.

"You are lying, your not the daughter of Alpha Montoya. He never had a daughter, he only has two sons" Francisco said
"You have been mis informed Francisco, MJ is my daughter but she already had a pack that she was the Alpha of and she didn't have to stay here with me to be trained to be alpha like her brothers had to" my grand father said
"If you dear to attack this pack, you better be ready to fight three packs instead of just one" Uncle Luke said
"That is going to be easy, since MJ is weak her pack is weak as well" Francisco said
"And why do you say that" Uncle Alex
"A weak alpha means a weak pack" Francisco said
"And that you are right but I stopped being alpha when Max turned eighteen and I passed the alpha title to him while you were out on your buisness trip" mom said

Francisco wasn't so happy about that and you could tell by the look in his face while I had a smile on mine, I stepped in front of my mother and at the same time the whole pack got next to me blocking mom from Francisco.

"Alpha we are waiting for your orders" Lucio said
"Stand by for my grand fathers orders, he will take over in this situation" I said as I turned and looked at him
"You have two options Francisco, you either walk away with your pack and wait for the divorce papers and never come back or you stay and fight which I can asure that you and your pack will be illiminated" my grand father said standing next to me
"Fine, we will go but this isn't over" Francisco said
"Oh its over unless you want to die" I said

They turned and left with the fighters hot on their tails to make sure that they did get out of our lands, I turned and looked at mom as I saw that she was turning pale and I ran to her just as she was falling after closing her eyes. I picked her up and carried her to her room and laid her on her bed, I lifted up her jeans to unzip her boots and be able to take them off only to hear several gasps from behind me and felt my brother start to walk closer to us. I growled making my brother stop in his tracks, I didn't want him any where near my mother. He had done enough damage to her and the only reason she married Francisco was because she was told that she was dying and she didn't want to leave me by myself, we were told that grandma also had the same mark and it later disappeared when she was marked by my grand father after they accepted each other which was something mom wasn't going to do since she still hated my brother and she didn't feel like it was right for me to call my own brother step father.

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