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It's been sixteen years since I saw my family, sixteen years since I was able to hold them in my arms and be able to smell their scent. I know they think I am dead because that is what Pablo told my mother after he took me from her because she wouldn't marry him, if only dad knew that mom was forced to marry him I know he would be so mad and would do anything to get mom out of that situation but I can't do that unless I want to put everybody in danger. I got to get rid of all the hunters that are after my father's and his cousin's packs first before I am able to come out and be able to tell them all that I am alive, I was going to go in and see grandpa but when I got near the tree line I saw my father, my uncles and his cousin's walking towards me and I hid masking my scent to they wouldn't be able to smell me.

I then saw dad shift into his wolf and start a rampage against the trees, I guess he found out that mom is married, I kept looking at him and admiring his golden yellow coat which was like mine. Well at least half of it was golden yellow while the other half was midnight black like mom, although mom's wolf is rare mine is even more rare since I have both of my parents wolf color as my coat color. When I shifted Pablo said that I when I got old enough to marry and have kids he was going to marry me to his brother, what he didn't expect was for me to escape when I was twelve years old and have been a lone wolf ever since while keeping an eye on my family.

I then saw my twin brothers walking out of the hospital and they talked to my dad and everyone else that was there, I walked closer and I was able to hear what they were talking about. When Marcos mentioned about Pablo being a hunter or working for them he wasn't that far from the truth, Pablo is the leader of the hunters and I know where all of there locations are and between a few friends that I made through out the years we are going to attack and bring them all down. But even with all the wolves that I have to back me up, we were still out numbered and I had to get help from my father and his cousins or I wouldn't be able to set my mother and siblings free.

"What are you thinking about MJ" Lucio asked

"That we need my father's help as well as that of his cousins and my uncles" I said

"Are you going to go up to them or are you going to send someone to get them for you" he asked

"Go inside and tell them that I need to talk to them" I said

"Right away alpha" he said as he walked away and went inside the hospital

A few minutes later I saw them all coming out of the hospital and the rest of the people who were with me stepped out of the tree line, I walked right behind them and waited until they were all standing in a line right in front of us.

"So here we are, what did you want to talk with us about" my father asked

I started to walk towards him as everybody made a walk way for me, when I was in front of them I could tell that they were shocked by my eye color since one was silver like my fathers and the other one was crystal blue like my mothers.

"Who are you" my uncle Mike asked

"I'm MJ and I need your help" I said

"And why is that, why would we help you" my uncle Sergio asked

"Because we all want the same thing" I said

"And what is that" my father asked

"Get our families back" I said

"And how do you plan on doing that" my uncle Rogelio asked

"By killing Pablo and the hunters" I said

"Why would you need to kill Pablo" Luke asked

"Well for starters, he forced Lucia to marry him by taking her daughter away" I said

"Elena is with Luz right now" Alex said

"Not that daughter" I said

"What are you talking about" my father asked

I gave him a picture I had of the day me and my brothers were born, as he looked at it I stepped back and got back to where I had been before.

"He took her daughter away from her when she was two years old and told her that she would return her daughter when she married him but he never did, he later on told her that she had died which wasn't true. When her daughter turned fifteen she shifted into her wolf with her coat being half golden yellow and half midnight black, when he asked an elder about her coat color they told him that she was even more rare then her mother. He later told her that as soon as she was old enough to get married and have children he would marry her to his brother, what they didn't know was that she had already planned on escaping that same night which she did as soon as they all fell asleep" I said

"Do you know where she is" my uncle Mike asked

"Yes, she is safe but she doesn't want to come out of hiding until she really needs to" I said

"Where is she" my father asked

"I can't tell you, she will come out when we all go after those who had done her and her family wrong" I said

"How can we help" he asks as he looks down at the picture

"Pablo is planning to give Lucia silver powder in one of her drinks tonight, that way she will become weak at the same time as you will and he will come after you. Since Lucia still bears your mark with you dead, Lucia would have to step up as the alpha of your pack. Once that happens he will make her give him the alpha title and then he will attack your cousins pack before he kills your pack as well, if you know of any way that will help us to stop Lucia from drinking anything that Pablo or anybody that isn't her kids that would be great" I said

"Mike text Marcos and let him know what we were just told" my father said

"Don't say anything about their sister being alive, if Pablo finds out about her being here he may react bad and do something to them before we get to him and the hunters" I said

"What does he have to do with the hunters" Reggie asked

"Pablo is their leader" I said

"WHAT" they all said at the same time

"How do you know this" my uncle Sergio asked

"I was one of the werewolves that was held captive by them" I said

"Well the message was sent, we just need to get a text back from Marcos" Mike said

"Make sure he remembers to delete the message after reading it and not to save your numbers with names, Pablo always checks their phones when they are taking a shower or when they leave the phone to charge on the charging port" I said

After we got the text message from Marcos we started to organize the attack against the hunters, they asked how I was able to have all this information and I told them that we have been planning this attack since we escaped at the age of twelve which shocked them all since they couldn't believe that a twelve year old would be able to plan all this and be able to survive by ourselves at such a young age. When we were done we headed towards our different ways and agreed to meet at mom's house since we were going to take out Pablo first, what they didn't know is that by the time they got there I would be there with about two hundred members and I was going to allow my alpha power to be felt as well as my wolf to be shown for the first time to everybody.

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