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We all stayed at the hospital to keep an eye on Lucy's father, it is now 730 and we were told that Lucy was going to be here soon to check on her father. Everybody has been really happy for finding her and the kids but we were shocked to find out that she had twin boys that were Silvestre's. When Luke, Alex and I were in the cafeteria we over heard a conversation between three nurses taking about some guy named Plabo who is coming home from being gone for about two weeks due to his work and that Lucy and the kids were going to be very happy to see him. We haven't told anyone about the conversation but we know that we are going to be in high alert because we don't know how Silvestre is going to react when he finds out, we start to smell Lucy's scent as well as those of the kids and when we look up we see them walking to the door that has her name on it.

"Are you going to try and talk to her" Suzet asked Silvestre

"Yeah, if I ever get her to listen to me" Silvestre said

"Why don't you try to talk with her when she comes to see dad" Mike said

"Yeah, that's a great idea" Silvestre said

We then saw Lucy walking this way and we all got up so she could get near her father and she starts to check her father's vitals and check his wound, after writing on her clip board she starts to head her way out of the room Silvestre grabs her arm and stops her in her tracks.

"Lucy please can I talk to you" Silvestre says

"I have other patients I need to see before I head home" she says

"And why is that" Silvestre asked

Just before she can answer a tall man comes towards her and places his hands around her waist as he kisses her cheek.

"Hey baby, I missed you" the man says to her

"Hey, how was your business trip" Lucy says as she turns around and places her hands on his chest

"It was good, tiring but good" the man says

"Sorry but who are you and why are you holding Lucy like that" Mike asks

"Oh sorry, my name is Plabo Morningstar Lucy's husband" Plabo says

"Her husband" we all say at the same time

"Yes, we have been married for twelve years today. Which reminds me, where are the kids so we can go out for lunch" Pablo asks

"They are in my office and I still have other patients to see but we can go as soon as I'm done" Lucy says

"Sounds like a great idea, I will be with the kids" Pablo says

"How about I go with you, I want to see the faces on the kids when they see you" Lucy says

They start to walk away and by this time Luke, Alex, Mike, Rogelio, Sergio and I are holding Silvestre back from going after them. Before Lucy and Pablo get to the door of her office the door swings open and Elena runs to Pablo, she jumps up into his arms and his catches her mid air.

"Daddy, when did you get here" Elena asks

"Just now, I was thinking that after your mother was done with her round we could all go eat something" Pablo says

"Sounds like a good idea dad" Marcos says

At that moment Silvestre looses all control and we are forced to take him out the back door, as soon as we get him out he turns into his golden yellow wolf. As he runs towards the woods we can all tell that he is extremely mad, although who wouldn't be after hearing their own child call some one else dad. We all stay outside with him until we hear two people come out and walk towards us, when we turn around we see Marcos and Zachary walking towards us which makes Silvestre stop his rampage against the trees.

When Silvestre walks towards us you can tell he is still really mad although you can tell he is trying to control his anger in front of the boys, when he is in front of all of us he shifts back to his human form and Mike gives him some shorts for him to put on as he stands in front of Marcos and Zachary. With them standing this close to each other you could see the similarities between them, out of no where their eyes changed color to those of Silvestre's which made all of our eyes go wide.

"We know who you really are and we just wanted you to know but Pablo has been there for us since we were six and to be honest we just don't trust him anymore" Marcos said

"What do you mean" Silvestre asked

"He keeps asking mom about your pack and when we are going to go to spent time with her family" Marcos said

"He has been asking question that have made all four of us not trust him anymore" Zachary said

"What kind of questions" I asked

"He wants to know the amount of fighters, guards you all have on each of your packs. He also has been asking about routes in and out of the pack lands, mom has always changed the conversation saying that she doesn't want to talk about her past and that includes both packs" Marcos said

"Do you have a clue why he has been asking about both packs" Mike asked

"When mom met him, he already knew about werewolves but its not out of place here. Although we did see him one day with a hunter talking, he never saw us but we are thinking that he may be a hunter or working for them" Zachary said

"If that is true, you are all in danger as well as everybody that lives here" Sergio said

"Why are you telling us this" Luke asked

"Because when he leaves on his business trips, mom takes out the picture she has of everybody and she cries herself to sleep and she still bears your mark although she covers it up with make up" they both said which makes Silvestre smile

"Go back to them, this is my phone number if you hear anything else or see anything like the stuff you are telling us call me right away" Silvestre said

"Okay, this is our numbers and I am sorry for making you mad but we needed to get you out here without actually asking you to come outside" Marcos said before they left back inside and we went in a few minutes after them

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