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Silvestre and I have been living together for the past three months, he has helped take care of Sebastian and Elena like if he was their father. My wolf and I are really impressed that he has been acting like a father to pups that aren't even his, he even gets up in the middle of the night to get them and change diapers or feed them. Today we are getting ready for Suzet's mating ceremony where I will be by her side as her best friend since I didn't want to be there as the future Luna because I still haven't decided what to do with everything that happened three months ago, as I am getting ready I make sure to cover my birth mark that is like the one my grandfather got before he shifted the first time into his midnight wolf with solid black eyes.

"Well Sebastian and Elena are ready and being held by our mothers while we finish getting ready" Silvestre said

"Can you get my dress from the closet please" I asked him as I finished getting my hair done

"Sure beautiful" he says as he places a kiss on my cheek

When he walks out of the closet with my dress he lays it down on the bed before he gets his suite jacket from the bed and puts it on, I get up from the vanity and walk to the bed and stand in front of the dress as I drop my robe before I get the dress to put it on before I hear a growl.

"You better put that dress on before I pick you up and pin you to that bed and not let you out of here until we are finally fully mated" he says

"You promised to wait until I was ready, besides today is your sisters mating ceremony" I said as I slipped the dress over my body

"And I will continue wait until you are ready" he said as he placed a kiss on my soft spot making me moan

When we done we headed down stairs and out the front door heading to the back yard where the stage was, as we walked to where Suzet was with her mate I felt eyes on me and when I turned to see who was looking at me I saw Luke, Alex and Reggie staring at us. When we got to where Suzet was my parents and her parents were there with Sebastian and Elena, who were playing with my mother's necklace and earrings. I grabbed Suzet and walked her to the left side of the stage as her mate walked to the right side with Silvestre, when both of our parents called us up we all walked up at the same time. My dad put out his hand for my to place Suzet's hand on his I did so just as Silvestre was placing her mates hand in his fathers hand before the both of us moved away as our fathers finished the mating ritual which would end with Suzet and her mate marking each other, Silvestre came to my side and placed his arms around my waist as he stood behind me.

When the ritual was finished we headed to the alpha's table were we sat between our parents, we were talking about how happy we were for Suzet and her mate when my wolf started to get uneasy and I started to pay more attention to our surroundings and hear several werewolves heading our way just as Silvestre noticed that I stiffed up he turned and looked at me.

"What is it baby" he asked

"Rouges, about thirty minutes away maybe ten or twenty" I said

"Which way are they coming from" he asked

"North side just in front of us" I said

He started to give order and before we knew it the children, elders, women and anybody who didn't know how to fight were in the safe houses. Luke, Alex, Reggie and their fighters were ready to fight by our side. We waited until we could see them and when they saw my father they got more angry, one took a step closer to us as my father and Silvestre's father took a step closer to him as well.

"Well, well look who we have here" the man said as he looked at them

"What do you want here" my father asked

"Well we came for what is owed to me" the man said

"And what is that" both Silvestre and I said at the same time as we got between our fathers

"Well you of course" the man said as he looked at me

"You will not take her" Silvestre growled at the same time Luke, Alex and Reggie were by our side growling as well

"Who is going to stop me, you four" the man said

"I don't need them to defend me I can do that all by myself, although I don't understand why you said that you own me" I asked

"Well because that was the deal all three of us made years ago" the man said

"What deal" I said growling as I looked at my father and Silvestre's father

"That I would leave them alone as long as I got the future alpha's mate as soon as he found her" the man said which made me look at dad and Silvestre's father in shock

"I am never going anywhere with you" I said

At that moment the fight started and it was all for all, when I saw the man that had said that he owned me pull out a gun I charged at him. When I saw that he was aiming it towards Silvestre I channeled my wolf's speed and in front of him as he pulled the trigger taking the bullet in the stomach, I fell to my knees and everybody stopped what they were doing to look at me. Silvestre, brothers and father were by my side instantly as I held my hand over the wound while looking down. I then knew that if I wanted to get out of this jam I had to shift into my wolf and I started to craw away from everybody, when I would feel someone walk towards me I would growl and they would stop but when I couldn't take any more pain I allowed my eyes to close and fell to the floor before I heard a loud howl which was answered by everybody that was around us before the fight started once again.

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