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I still couldn't believe that I had a daughter who hasn't been with her mother for sixteen years and has been taking care of herself since she was twelve when she got away from Pablo, I kept the picture that MJ gave me close to my heart. We got back inside to the hospital after we agreed that we would meet outside of Lucy's house, we told everybody what had happened when we went outside but kept the part of my daughter a secret since we weren't sure if my daughter would feel about me saying anything about her just yet. By the time night came we all headed to Lucy's house and we were met by the same guy that went inside the hospital to get us when MJ wanted to talk with us, when we asked where she was he said that she had gone to disconnect the electrical cable.

When she appeared from the darkness she was wearing all black with a leather jacket on, when she was in front of us she turned to the gate and pushed it open with her bear hand. We all looked at her only to see that she didn't complain about the silver burning her, she let out a soft low howl and before we knew it over two hundred werewolves were in front of us. We all looked at MJ and we started to feel another alpha near us but we didn't know who it was until we saw all the werewolves bow down to MJ, she gave them a small bow with her head before she turns and bows her head at me taking a knee as well as everyone else.

"They all know the plan, we are all under your command" MJ says which catches us off guard

"Who are you" I asked

"I am my fathers daughter" she says

"How come the silver doesn't hurt you" Mike asked

"Because Pablo would inject silver powder mix with water so he could keep my wolf weak and under control" she said

"So you became immune to silver" Sergio asked

"Yes" she said

"Did he do the same to my daughter" I asked

"Yes" she said

"Lets finish this" I said

"The other hunters are here as well" she said

"How can you tell" Luke asked

"Smell the air, you can smell fire wood but the chimney of the house is off" she said

We paid more attention to what she had said and sure enough we all smelled the same thing she was smelling, we decided to go after them first and then head back to the house and taking out Pablo. We all headed to the hunters camp where we split up, MJ took half of the werewolves while the other half staid with us so we could hit them on both sides of the camp at the same time. When we were all in position we saw MJ take her phone out and all of a sudden all the hunters were complaining about not having any phone service, I looked at the boys and you could tell that they were happy since nobody thought about the hunters getting back to Pablo and letting them know about the attack. I made eye contact with MJ and I nodded my head and she walked out of the tree line, when all the hunters saw her it was like they had seen a ghost.

"Well look who it is, Pablo will be very happy to know that you are back" a man said

"To bad you will not be able to tell him anything" MJ said

"And why is that" the man said

"Because I didn't come alone" MJ said

Little by little the werewolves that were with her started to walk out of the tree line, the hunters saw them and started to laugh.

"You think that you will be able to stop us all" another man said

"I wonder what Pablo will say when he finds out that you are in his lands and are wanting to attack us all by yourself" another man said

"Oh Diego, nice to see you again. I would like for you to mean a few new friends, I am pretty sure they aren't happy with you and your brother after I told them everything" MJ said

We walked out of the tree line and when the hunters saw us he was shocked, he then turned to MJ and then directly at me before pulling a gun out and pulling the trigger but before the bullet hit me MJ was in front of me and had taken the bullet to her arm.

"Shit, I totally forgot how much that hurts" MJ said

"Just what I thought but the question is if he knows who you really are" Diego said

"What is he talking about" Mike asked

Before anyone could answer all the werewolves that were with MJ shifted into their wolf and were ready to attack, MJ turned towards me and lowered her head then walked a few steps away from me.

"Forgive me for not telling you who I really am" MJ said

"What do you mean" I asked

And just like that she shifted into her wolf, we all gasped as we saw the wolf that MJ had told us was my daughters. At that moment we all saw red and we attacked the hunters and with in a few minutes the hunters were all dead, we then all headed to the house and by the time we got there we saw Pablo who had Lucy by the throat with a gun to he head as the kids tried to get him to put the gun down. MJ saw this and ran around the house as we all went and got next to them with all the werewolves behind us, when Pablo saw us he couldn't believe that we were standing in front of him.

"How did you all get through the silver metal gate and the electrical wire" Pablo said

"Lets say we got help from some one you know" I said

"And who is that" Pablo asked

"Look behind you" I said

When he turned to see hind him, he loosened the grip around Lucy and she took the advantage to run towards us. When she was in Mike's arms she started to relax as we all kept our eyes on MJ and Pablo, who you could tell wasn't expecting to see her. She walked up to him as he lifted up the gun and started shooting at her, MJ didn't even budge or whine when the bullets hit her and when she was in front of Pablo she pushed him so hard that he fell to my feet. She bowed her head allowing me to make the decision of what would happen to him, I looked at her than at Lucy and the kids before taking a step back and waving my hand to her giving her the honor to kill Pablo which she did without a second thought.

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