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When I walked out of the bathroom and saw Silvestre standing in front of the bathroom door against the wall it shocked me but when I took a breath in I realized that he was my mate, my wolf started to go crazy wanting me to get closer to him but I was so afraid since he was the alpha of our pack and all three of my brothers best friend. He walked up to me and stood in front of me, he then said the only phrase I thought I would never hear from my mate.

"I Silvestre Montoya reject Lucia Soto as my mate and luna of the Red Moon Pack" he said

I held my head high as he finished saying those words not wanting to show him how much I was hurting, I turned away from him and walked away from him leaving him there standing by himself. I walked back to the party hall and my brothers came towards me and asked if I was okay, I said that I was and just needed some fresh air since it was getting really hot in here. I walked out of the pack house and headed to the tree line, I took my high heels off and walked into the forest not seeing where I was going. Not wanting to be found I masked my scent and walked and walked and walked some more until I got tired and I stopped at a big willow tree and rested a little bit, I then got up and continued to walk further into the forest still not letting my tears fall.

I came to a beautiful pound with a water fall and walked towards it before I started to see black spots, I kneeled down and slowly laid down on the ground pulling my legs to my chest and wrapping my arms around them since it was cold. As I looked at the water fall my sight started to get darker and darker as the time passed, before I knew it all I could see was darkness and I let myself get consumed by it.


When I started to wake up I could tell that I was in bed with the covers over me, I didn't want to open my eyes since I could feel at least three people in the room and I didn't want to see my brothers since I knew they were going to be really mad at me for going missing for who knows how long.

"Should we call and tell Silvestre that we found Lucia in our lands" someone asked

"I don't know, she may have a good reason why she walked away from his lands in that dress and no shoes on" some one else said

"The question here is how could she walk four hours until she got here, I really think we should call Silvestre and tell him she is here so at least her family can stop being worried about where she is" another one said

When I heard someone dialing on a phone, I got up and snatched the phone away trying to stop my tears from falling as they all looked at me.

"Please don't call anybody" I said

"Why?" one of them asked

"I don't want my mate to know where I am" I said as I lowered my head

"And why not, he might be worried about where you are" another one said

"I don't think so" I said still not looking at them

"Why do you say that" the last one said

"Yesterday during my sixteenth birthday party, he rejected me" I said as the first tears started to roll down my face

"Well he is a jerk for doing that, Alex and I lost ours during a rouge attack while we were in alpha camp. Although it hurt when she died, we didn't really feel sad since we didn't know who she was" the first one that spoke said

"Do you want to stay here with us until you know what you want to do with your mate" another one asked

"I don't even know your names, all I know is that you are Suzet and Silvestre's cousins" I said

"Well I am Luke the older of the three, that is Alex my twin brother and the other one is Reggie the youngest of us" Luke said

"How about we get you some clean clothing and something to eat" Alex said

"That would be great" I said

I got up and we walked out of the room and into another room where there was a closet full of woman clothing, I looked at all three of them with a questioning look.

"Its the room that Suzy would use when ever they came to visit us, that is the clothing she left we guess it could fit you" Luke said

"Thank you for everything" I said

They walked out of the room leaving me alone in the room so I could do what ever I needed to do, I grabbed some clothing and headed to the bathroom and took a shower before changing and walking out and down the stairs to where I could hear the three brothers talking. As I walked in everyone went quiet and I just stood there in the door way, Alex walked up to me and led me to the kitchen island and I sat on one of the stools.

"What do you want to eat" Luke asked

"I don't care" I said as I looked down to my fingers

"Do you want to talk about it" Alex asked

I shake my head in a no motion as the tears start to fall once again, before I know it I am being held by Luke and Alex as Reggie continue to make something to eat for all of us. I cry into one of their shoulders as the other rubs small, gentle circles on my back soothing me trying to calm me down. By the time I stopped crying the table was set and ready for us to eat and I was taken to sit between Luke and Alex, while we ate everyone was quiet not knowing what to say or how to act around me.

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