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Its been three years since Lucy came into our lives, ever since the day she turned eighteen and she went to that bar with some of the pack member and Alex, Lucy and I had our heated moment before going to bed Alex and I started to court her and we are now dating. We asked her to be our mate to which she said that she needed to accept her mates rejection and talk to her parents as well as her brothers to see if they would give us their blessing so we can start planning the mating ceremony, Alex and me both understood what she was asking and we had no problem with it. We have become so close to each other that she has even started to act like the Luna of the pack, she is so good with the elders and the children to the point that the whole pack loves her and respects her.

When ever rouges attack she is right beside us fighting to protect the pack, my cousin keeps coming around asking if we have seen Lucy but we always say the same thing. Lucy doesn't want anyone to know she is in our pack or that she has accepted to be our mate, she wants to be the one to tell them everything. We just respect her decision since at the end of the day she is in our bed, even though we want to go further than just make out and ever so often have our heated moments we respect her wishes and we will not do anything that will risk us loosing her just like her mate did.

When Alex and me look outside the office window we see Lucy playing with the pups and it just brings a big smile on our faces, we continue to look at them as they pile on her and she lets them all climb all over her as they laugh. Alex and I walk out of the office and head to the back yard where Lucy is with pups and we join them, just as we are having fun Lucy stands up and looks towards the woods making both me and Alex to look at the same time in the direction that she is looking at.

"What is it baby" I asked

"Do you hear that" she asks standing up slowly making sure not to hurt any of the pups

"Hear what" Alex asks

Before either one of us can say anything else, she bolts towards the woods and we follow her. As we run further in to the woods we start to hear two different cries which make us run even faster, we suddenly come to a sudden stop in front a box where we hear two different cries. Lucy opens the box to reveal two babies in it crying, she turns to look at us as we are already looking at her. She reaches in to the box and takes them both her arms and they stop crying, Alex and I walk to her and stand next to see that they had crystal blue eyes just like Lucy. We decide to take them to the pack hospital to make sure they are okay, after they get checked and we are told that they are healthy and they were no more than a few hours old we take them back to our house as we ask one of the moms to go to the store and buy everything we will be needing for the babies.

"What are we going to do with them" Alex asked

"Well we don't know who the parents are" I said

"Why don't we raise them as ours, I mean they do have my eyes" Lucy says

I walk up to her and place my hands around her waist pulling her towards us so her back is against my front, I look over her shoulder and see the babies in her arms before looking at Alex who nods his head as he walks up to us and places his hands on either side of Lucy's face while looking into her eyes.

"Are you sure about what you have said" he asks

"I have never been more sure about anything besides accepting the both of you as my mates" she says which makes the both of us smile

"So what are we going to name them" I asked

"What about if you name them after mom and dad" Reggie said as he walked in to the house

"That is a great idea" Lucy says

"Well can I meet my new niece and nephew" Reggie says as Alex moves to stand next to me so he could see them

"Dang, they do look like all three of you" he adds

"What are you talking about" I asked

"Rumor has it that the Blue Moon alphas and their chosen mate have had twins" Reggie says

"Who started that rumor" Lucy asks

"Who knows but the gifts and congratulations are arriving as we speak" Reggie says

Lucy walks to the living room and sits down on the sofa as Alex and I sit on either side of her, Reggie walks in and sits on the other sofa as we talk about the twins when there was a knock on the door and Reggie stands up to go open it and lets the pack members in as they carry the things that were bought for the twins. We decided to place the crib in our room for the mean time until we feel convertible for them to be in there own room, when everything was all set up Lucy placed Sebastian and Elena in their crib after being fed, burped and changed.

We walked to our office and as Lucy was sitting on my lap the phone started to ring, Alex picks it up as I place my arms around Lucy's waist while laying my nose on the crook of her neck. When we look at Alex we see him looking between me and Lucy, he puts the phone in speaker and we look at him like he was crazy until we hear Silvestre's voice coming through the speaker of the phone.

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