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As I walked down the stairs I heard noises coming from the TV room, when I got there and opened the door I stopped dead in my tracks, eyes wide as moans bounced off the walls while a clip of two girls touching each other flashed across the giant TV screen.

"Hey, baby" Silvestre said casually as I turned to see him sitting on the couch completely naked, his dick slapped against his stomach

My mouth went dry as I wasn't sure where to look as I looked between Silvestre and the porn, so I settled with my feet. Of course I'd seen Silvestre naked multiple times before, but never with a hard-on or at least not anything remotely close.

"You know it's rude to stare" he said coolly, as if he were not just jacking himself off two seconds ago.

I gulped hard as I looked at him, staring him straight in the eyes and refusing to venture anywhere else.

"I think.....I think I'll go to bed" I turn to leave but his laugh caught me off guard

"Your not scared of porn are you?" he questioned with a smirk growing on his face

"NO" I said flatly

"I just don't watch it" I whispered, embarrassed to even be having this conversation with him

"But you've seen it before, right" he asked

I shook my head, causing him to gasp.

"How do you get yourself off them?" he asked

I felt my cheeks go hot at how easily he spoke about this and how badly I wished I hadn't come down stairs

"Hum, I don't" I shrugged my shoulders

"I'm going to go" I spoke quickly before he could say anything making my way to the door.

"Wait" he yelled from the couch

"What, Silvestre" I say as I closed my eyes and sighing before turning around once more

He moved his arm out in a "TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT" motion, I sighed while uncrossing my arms and unwillingly making my way over to the couch sitting on the opposite side of him

"Fine but I'll only stay for a bit and I'm not touching myself" I said

He scooted across the couch sitting uncomfortably close to me considering his naked state

"Can't promised I won't" he said gleefully pausing the porn on the TV

"I'll put something else" he added flicking through a bunch of different titles

He finally settled on one by the name of 365 DAYS with a pretty dark haired girl and a muscular boy, the scene began with them already naked her lips wrapped around his dick before he lips started trailing over her body. I could see Silvestre palming his dick slowly out of the corner of my eyes, his own fixed on the screen.

I crossed my legs as the boys lips traveled down to her pussy and I felt my cheeks getting flushed as the anticipation grew, there was no way I was getting turned on by from this in front of Silvestre. I gulped hard as the boy finally reached his destination attaching his lips to her clit and then licking her all over, I felt a warmth down below and squeeze my legs together gently. I'd never gotten myself off before and I wasn't going to start now but I figured this was innocent enough that Silvestre would never notice, I continued to squeeze them together a slight heat rising inside of me.

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