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It's been three weeks since we got back and I haven't talk to anyone from my family or my mate, I am pretty sure that his brothers and him are hating me for killing their father but I had to do it or he would continue taking the children from the packs and taking them to the hunters. We have heard that some of the rouges that were helping the hunters who are now almost all dead are planning to attack but we don't know when or what pack, the only thing that calms me down is that we are smack in the middle of both my fathers and his cousins pack so if either of the packs gets attacked we will be there right away.

My brothers have been trying to talk to me but I don't want their pity, not after they stood up for our sister even though its understandable. She was always kept in the dark and even to the end she still thought that Pablo was a good guy and that he loved our mother, that he only got mad with mom because she wouldn't tell him where her phone was. My father and my uncles have been trying to talk to me as well and I have even getting text messages saying that my grandparents want to meet me, I do want to go and meet them but I am afraid to bump into my mate and his brothers.

"MJ we have a problem" Lucio said

"What is it now" I asked

"There are rouges attacking your fathers pack and for what I was told they are out numbered" he said

"Gather everybody and lets go" I said

We ran out of the office and by the time that we got to the front door everybody was ready to go, we headed to my fathers pack and before we even got to where the fight was I saw one of the rouges point a gun towards my father and I ran pushing him out of the way receiving the bullet meant for him. I could tell that the bullet was not only lased with silver but with poison as well, I stood up and faced the rouge that had tried to kill my father and started to walk towards it, with every step I took I would release my alpha power which is stronger than that of my father, grand father and brothers since I have been acting like an alpha since I was just a young child. Everybody started to bow down at me as I walked and they moved aside, I kept my hand over the open bullet wound since it wasn't closing due to the poison on it.

When I was in front of the rouge that shot my father I realized that I knew him, he was one of the rouges that had been helping take the children from the packs and I had killed his mate during a fight. He had a big smile on his face and I could tell that he knew I was going to get in the way so that the bullet would hit me and not my father, I smiled back and punched my hand into his chest and pulled it out with his heart in my hands before I turned to look at all the other rouges.

"You all know who I am and my reputation so if you don't want to end like him I recommend you go away and never come back to these lands or any other lands in that matter" I said

They bowed their heads and walked backwards, when they felt save they turned and ran away most likely the same way that they came.

"MJ you okay" Lucio asked as he walked up to me

"The bullet was lased with powder silver and poison" I said

"Let me get your mother here so she can help you" he said

"No, I will just go to the lake and take care of it there" I said

I turned and walked away and I knew that I wasn't going to make it this time, I knew that no matter what they did to try and safe me it wouldn't work. The poison was already affecting my eye sight and soon it would start to affect all of my vital organs before the end would come, I got to the lake and I could hear people running towards me by the time I got to the lake I fell on my knees and then to the floor with my eyes shut.


When I saw MJ walking away without any of her pack members I knew that something wasn't right, we walked towards Lucio and the rest of the pack as they all looked at MJ walking away.

"What's wrong" I asked

"Nothing alpha" Lucio said his voice almost cracked at the end

"What are you not telling us" Lucy asked

"Nothing mam" he answered again this time a tear fell from his face and when I looked at everybody else there were some already crying while other were just allowing their tears fall

"What is going on" my father asked in his alpha voice

"The bullet was lased with silver powder and poison" he said

"What are you trying to say" Salvador asked

"That MJ walked away because she is dying and doesn't want anyone to see her in this state" he said lowering his head allowing more tears to fall

"NOOOOOOOO" Lucy yelled and started to run

We all ran after her and MJ by the time that we got to where we could see MJ we saw her fall to her knees and then completely to the floor, when we got to her I picked her up and ran with her to the pack hospital. I couldn't allow my daughter to die because of some rouge attack where one of them wanted me dead, when we got to the hospital Lucia and I were asked to wait in the waiting room and even though Lucy was a doctor she wasn't allowed to go in and help save our daughters life. We waited for what seemed like hours and every time I would look towards Salvador you could tell that he was fighting his tears, I got up and started to walk around the waiting room trying to stay calm but it wasn't helping at all. When the doctor came out he didn't have a good face on, we walked up to him and he said that MJ was stable for now but she was in coma and only the moon goddess and her knew when she would wake up.

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