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When we all saw the midnight wolf walking towards the man I was fighting after he shot Lucy, we all backed away since we all knew that my grandfather's beta was a really good fighter and with what the guy had said he was out for blood. When we were seeing him fight we could tell that he was in good shape for someone who was suppose to be dead, all the moves he was making were the same ones that he used to use when fighting next to my grandfather although he did use some new ones. When he killed the guy with his jaw as he looked at the men that had arrived with the guy he killed you could tell that they were afraid of him, he then jumped over them and ran behind the stage before the rouges left our lands. When we got to the back of the stage I saw Lucy laying down on the ground with her eyes close, I picked her up and took her to our room and laid her down on the bed so the doctor could check her and make sure she was okay.

"Well the bullet wound looks like it has healed nicely, can you help me turn her on her side to see if there is any sign of the bullet coming out the other way" the doctor said

"Sure" I said

The boys and me turned Lucy on her side slowly so we wouldn't hurt her and that's when we saw the same mark that her grandfather had in the same spot, the mark of the midnight wolf with solid black eyes which made us all gasp.

"Could she have been the one who fought" her father asked

"Has anyone see her shift into her wolf" the doctor asked

"No, when ever we would go out running we would run in our human form" Luke said

"When we would run in our wolf form she would be riding one of us three" Alex said

"Then there is no possible way that she could have been the one fighting in wolf form, since she wouldn't be able to handle the shift unless she did shift but nobody was around when she did" the doctor said

"Although she does fight well and can take on a full grown alpha wolf in her human form" Reggie said

"That's true we all saw that" her father said

"I wouldn't have an answer for you on that but if she fainted after she got shot and crawled away from you then she couldn't have been the one to fight and kill that rouge" the doctor said

"Why do you say that" I asked

"Because her body is still weak even though her wolf fixed her wound, just let her rest and when she wakes up she is the only one that will be able to answer all your questions" the doctor said

The doctor left and we were all left in the room with Lucy still out, I laid down next to her and stroked her hair as I looked at her. My cousins left as well as everybody else saying that they would leave us alone and just to let them know when she woke up, I nodded my head and pulled her to my chest wanting to feel her as close as I possibly could. All through the time she was asleep I kept stroking her hair and feeling her breathing against my chest, when I felt her move I looked down to see her trying to open her eyes until she finally was able to open them.

"What happened" she asked

"Do you not remember" I asked

"All I remember was seeing that man pull out a gun and then point it at you, then feeling a sharp pain in my stomach before it went dark and I heard howling" she said

"How did you get behind the stage" I asked her

"What do you mean, I don't remember anything after the howling" she said

"So you don't remember shifting into your wolf and killing the man that shot you" I said

"So everybody knows that I'm just like my grandfather" she asked

"Well at least I do everybody else thinks it was your grandfather who killed the guy" I said

"How did you know that it was my wolf who had killed the guy" she asked

"Well when your grandfather used to fight with my grandfather he always used the same moves, the wolf that fought today had moves that your grandfather wouldn't use" I said

"Don't tell anybody that it was my wolf that fought and that's why I blacked out" she said

"Don't worry baby, I wont but they know that your wolf is the same as your grandfather's since you have the same mark he had and in the same spot" I said

When she was feeling a little better she took a shower and she changed into one of my shirts and some skinny jeans, when we walked down to the living room everybody was still there and as soon as they saw us her mother and father pulled her into a hug as I staid by her side. When they pulled away we went to sit down and I sat on the lazy boy and Lucy sat on me, Sebastian and Elena crawled to us and she picked them up and I took Elena while she held Sebastian. When my cousins saw the twins playing with my hair they turned away and just looked when Lucy was answering the questions that were being asked to her, when the twins fell asleep I took them and walked up to the room and laid them down before walking out of the room with the baby monitor.

When I got down to the living room my cousins motioned me to follow them outside of the house, the boys came with me as my cousins had their beta, first in command and second in command with them. When we were outside we stood in front of each other and they handed me a cream folder, when I looked inside of it I saw the papers of Lucy and the adoption papers for Sebastian and Elena. I looked at my cousins and they were smiling at me, I asked what was this all about and they said that they saw how Lucy and I belong together and how well the twins are being taken care by us that it was only fair for us to be together and raise the twins as ours. I wished them the best on finding their perfect mate so they could also have the family and the happiness they deserved to have, we said our good byes and they left to go back to their pack lands while the boys and I headed back in to the cabin where everybody was talking about everything that happened today.

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