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We have been looking for Lucy, Elena and Sebastian for the past eighteen years, we finally were told of a she wolf who is a doctor at a hospital were she takes care of werewolves only. When we asked about her, we were told that she had arrived with a little girl and boy and when she shifted her wolf was midnight black and we right away left to come to New York on no mans land. When we got here we were told that the high school students were graduating today and we all headed to the high school, after a few minutes of arriving we saw Lucy arriving with three boys and a girl. You could tell that she could smell us but the wind was blowing and she couldn't pin point were our scent was coming from, when I heard Elena and Sebastian's name being called as well as a Marcos and Zachary with Lucy's last name I growled and got the attention of everybody.

Two of the boys were in higher alert than the other boy and girl who were trying to calm them down, Lucy got up and started to make her way towards the kids and we followed right after her and when we were just behind her we knew she could since us but before she could turn around an alarm went off and some of the werewolves were getting the mother, elders and others got next to them after one of the boys growled and before they all shifted into their wolves. Two were white with red marking while the other two were midnight black just like Lucy which made all of us gasp, before we all could ask anything we saw rouges charge towards us and we all charged at the same time. When the rouges were taken care we all saw Lucy say something before she ran away to a car with who we assumed to be Elena with her, as the boys and I looked around we saw Lucy's father on the ground with a pretty bad wound on his side.

The boys that were with Lucy came and right away placed a temporarly bandage on him and they picked him up and got him into one of the cars and we all followed them in our own car, when we got to the hospital they took him to a room and then ran out of the room and came back with Lucy who right away asked for everybody to get out while she tended for her father. After awhile she came out and said that he was sable and the she would send some one to check on him every few minutes, when she started to walk away I grabbed her hand and made her stop.

"Lucy, please wait can we talk" I asked

"I got other patients to see and make sure they are being treated properly" Lucy said

"Lucy, please" I says

"Our mother already said that she has patients to take care of" one of the boys said

"Who are you" Luke asked

"I'm Sebastian the oldest of the four" he said

"The four" Alex asked

"Yes, four. Elena and I are the oldest, Marcos and Zachary are the youngest" Sebastian said

"Did you adopt them too" Reggie asked

"No" Lucy said as I looked at all of them

"OMG" Suzet says as Lucy and her kids walk away

"What is wrong with you" Mike asked

"You don't get it right" Suzet asked

"Don't get what" Rogelio asked

"She didn't adopt them yet their wolves are like hers" Suzet said

"Oh god" my mother said

"Okay what am I missing" I asked

"The other two boys are your kids" my mother said

I turned around and as the boys were taking their blood stained shirt, we all saw that they had the mark of the midnight wolf as well as my alpha mark next to it. The boys and I kept an eye on Lucy and the kids through out the whole time they were in the hospital, when we saw them walking outside I mind linked Rogelio to have the car ready close to the front of the entrance because we were going to follow Lucy and the kids to where ever they were going to go. They all got into one car and they started to drive, about ten minutes later we were arriving to a nice house near the hospital, the gates opened then closed as we got near we could smell the silver on the gate and when we got out of the car we could hear the electrical wires being activated as well.

"Danm, she does know how to keep werewolves out of her property" Mike said

"I wonder who gave her that idea" Rogelio as Mike and him looked at Sergio

"What she asked I answered" Sergio said

"Well lets go back to the hospital atleast we know were they are and that they are safe" I said

We got in the car and headed to the hospital, we headed to the room where Lucy's father was and we were told that he woke up and he was told that Lucy and the kids had saved his life after two of her three sons temporarly bandage to be able and control the blood loss until he was brought here and was attented to. He then fell asleep and hasn't woken up since then, we told them that we had followed Lucy and the kids to their house that was a ten minute drive from here in car but we couldn't get in since the gate was coated with silver and the wires on top of the fence were electrical. We spent the night at the hospital and would take turns going to get either something to drink or eat, Suzet went up to one of the nurses and told them that Lucy's father wanted to call Lucy who was his daughter to thank them for saving his life and was wondering if they could give her the phone number to which they did right away and by the time the nurse left we all hugged my sister for her smart ass and quick thinking.

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