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The guys and I were in the office doing some paper work when my mother came in with my father next to her, we looked at them and we see a smile on their faces which means that what ever they were going to say was some really good news.

"What is it" I asked

"We were just told that your cousins Luke and Alex have had twin with their chosen mate" mom said as she looks at everybody in the room

"How you find out" I asked

"We saw a pack member from his pack shopping for baby items and when we asked who they were for she said that their alphas and Luna had had twins" dad said as he placed his hands around moms waist

"Wow I never thought that they were that serious with their chosen mate" I said

"Well, since they are family I guess that you all have already invited them to your sisters mating ceremony right" mom asked

"We were about to do it when you came in" Mike said saving everybody's ass

When both of my parents leave the office, I get on the phone and call my cousins who answer after the second or third ring.

"Alpha Alex Vega how can I help you" Alex says

"Hey Alex its Silvestre how are you doing" I say

"Hey give me a minute let me put you on speaker" he says and we are able to hear four people in the other side of the phone

"So I hear that congratulations are in order" I say

"Oh you heard as well" Luke says

"Yes, everybody is talking about the twins of the alpha's of the Blue Moon pack" I said

"Well thankyou" they both said

"So what are the names of the new additions of the family so we can send them a little something" I say as I look at the guys

"Sebastian and Elena" Luke said

"Wow a boy and a girl, that's a first in the family" I say

"Yeah, what can we say we got lucky I guess" Alex said

"True, well I was also calling to invite you both and your mate to Suzy's mating ceremony in two weeks" I said

"I don't know if we will be able to go Silvestre, I mean we want to be there but with the pups it would be a long drive for them" Luke said

"I understand, we will have a room ready for you all if you do change your mind" I said

"Thank you for letting us know" Alex says just as we start to hear two babies crying

"Well I will let you go take care of your family, see you when we see you" I said

"Alright, see ya" Luke and Alex say at the same time before they hang up

I turn to look at the guys and I can see them all thinking about something.

"What is it" I asked

"Did you realize that we could hear four people in that room and only heard your cousins talking" Mike said

"Well, maybe they had the twins with them so their mate could sleep after having the twins" I said

"Yeah, that could be it" Rogelio said

"Well I am going to go get a room ready for them just incase they do come they get a room big enough for them, their mate and their pups" Sergio says as he gets up and walks out of the room

We are then left to finish the paper work and the preparations for my sisters mating ceremony, when Rogelio comes back in to the office and informs us that the room for my cousins and their family was ready as well as one for Reggie if he does come as well making sure that his room was next to that of Luke and Alex's room. When night time came around we went to eat dinner and as we were finishing Suzy lets out a gasp, we all turn around towards her and we see her crying which makes her mate hug her.

"What's wrong" mom asks as she looks at Suzy

"I sent a message to Lucy telling her about the mating ceremony and she said that she will think about coming" Suzy says

"Tell her to please come, I want to see her" Mike's mom says

"Okay" Suzy says as she types on her phone

We wait for a few minutes when her phone starts to ring and she picks up putting it on the speaker

"Hey girl, who all is in the room with you" Lucy asks

"Everybody" Suzy says

"I guess you put me on speaker" Lucy asks

"Lucy we are all just worried about you" her mom says

"Well, I'm okay mom. I have been okay for some time now" Lucy says

"Hey Lu dinner is ready" some one says

"I will be right there" Lucy says

"Well I have to go have dinner, and Suzy like I said on the text I will think about going but I don't assure you anything" Lucy says before she hangs up

"There were four other people in the room where Lucy was" my father says

"I didn't realize it" I said

"How could you not realize that their were four other people in that room" Mike asked

Maybe because I was enjoying hearing my mates voice that I didn't focus on anything besides that, I thought but I staid quiet not looking at any body until I start to feel a lot of eyes on me.

"What" I ask as I look at everyone on the table

"Did you just say that you are Lucy's mate" my father asks as he looks at me

"What" I ask pretending that I didn't know what he was talking about

"You just said that you were enjoying hearing your mates voice that you didn't focus on anything besides that" Suzy said

At that moment I realize that I didn't just think about it, I actually said it out loud and now I was going to have to answer a lot of questions some coming directly from my best friends. Everybody in this dinning room now know that I am Lucy's mate and that's why I am doing everything to find her, why I ran out of my office they day I was told that she was no where to be found. The only thing that I can do now is hope that she does come to my sisters mating ceremony so I can ask her for forgiveness and try to get her to give me one more chance, I lower my head since I cant see anybody in the eyes right now and I will not be able to do so until Lucy is standing by my side as my mate and Luna of my pack.

GETTING HER BACKWhere stories live. Discover now