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I was re-reading and I'm dragging tf out this timeline so we having a time skip 😂 . Also, y'all want this book to be long? I can add a few extra things to this book but I was planning on making a sequel to it. Just let me know sum.

Anyway, so by now it's nearing the twins birthday. Chris got arrested on Thanksgiving. They left for NOLA on November 30th. Two weeks later, it's December 13th. We cool? Good.

Please excuse ANY errors. It's 5 am, I haven't slept, and I couldn't decide between first or third person, so if you see any personal pronouns that's why. Love yaw.

Two weeks later.


Third Person.

Popping up out of her sleep, Kali clutched her necklace and looked around, breathing heavily. Ever since they left the hospital she had been having constant nightmares and she was beyond tired of it.

Fiddling with the necklace that Sincere had given her, she felt around on the bed to see if he was still there.

"Bubba." Kali whispered looking over at her brother who was sound asleep.

"Bubba." She whispered again this time poking him.

"What lil' one?" He grumbled, turning.

"I had a bad dream." She says softly and he reached over to turn the light on.

"Again?" He groaned burying his face into the pillow.


"How bad?" He asked, rubbing his eyes.

"A seven."

He threw the covers off of him and walked out of her room. A few minutes later he came back with a water bottle, cookies, and one of his blankets.

"Good?" He asked and she nodded, wrapping the blanket around her body which immediately relaxed her.

"Thank you." She smiled and he ruffled her hair, getting back in bed and turning the light off.

Usually whenever Sincere would sleep in Kali's room it'd be on the floor. Since she had hardwood it was starting to hurt his back so he started to sleep in the bed.

Ever since they left the hospital they've  been inseparable. Sincere didn't want Kali out of his sight and it was vice versa. Sincere wouldn't admit it but he was scared to leave her by herself again. He needed to be everywhere she went, literally. The only time she had space from him is when she was in her bathroom or getting dressed.

She took a sip of her water and looked around in the dark, now bored.

"Bubba." She whispered again.

"Kali me despierta otra vez y te voy a hacer una mierda." (Kali wake me up again and I will smack the shit out of you.) He threatened and she rolled her eyes.

"Ugh." She scoffed. "Rude."

He pushed her softly and turned over. Not even thirty seconds later he was snoring again and she still bored.

"Fine, I'll bother Chris." She muttered to herself.

She slid out of her bed and slipped her feet into her furry slippers.

Opening the door slowly, she crept out into the pitch black hallway and took off
to Chris's room. Seventeen or not, the dark wasn't something she played with.

"Bear?" She knocked on the door. She saw that his light was on and looked around, not being able to see anything.

A few seconds later he opened the door and she hurried in shutting the door behind her.

Metamorphosis. || August Alsina.Where stories live. Discover now