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First part of this chapter will be in third person and the povs change a few times. I'm just letting you know that now.


Third Person. [UNEDITED]

Kali sat in front of her father with a bored expression on her face. After Chris took her away from the kitchen last week, she just went to sleep. She didn't cry, she didn't scream, yell, or argue, she just fell asleep in Chris's arms and has been doing so every night.

For some reason, Chris just brought a special kind of comfort to her. She didn't know if it was because he was there to see all the shit unfold, or because he knew how it was to be in her shoes too.

Usually she'd only be under her twin when she's like this, but she couldn't stand to be around him too long. He walked on eggshells around her which is something he never did and it pissed her off.

She might look emotionless on the outside but on the inside she felt her heart breaking more everyday.

She still hasn't shown any emotion towards the situation, or at all, well openly.

Even though he was the one she fell asleep with, Chris was still scared of her, everyone was.

Though Kali uses Chris to sleep, she didn't talk to him during the day, nor her father or brother. She's stay cooped up in her room for hours, by herself, in silence.

She looked down at her nails and applied lipgloss to her lips. "So you called me in your office to look at me?" She questions, softly setting her gloss on his desk.

He chuckles and shakes his head, he was nervous, but the boys made him talk to her because once again, they were too scared to.

"Are you okay? Really." He asks her softly making her roll her eyes. He's never seen his princess like this before, so cold and emotionless. He was used to Sincere acting like this, maybe even Chris, but never Kali. The same girl whose been scared of the dark her entire life, picked up a gun and put it to her boyfriends head.

"Yes daddy, I'm fine." She answers with a smile. She honestly didn't know how to feel, she was numb on the inside and she kept herself busy so she wouldn't have time to think about it.

Along with cutting August off, she cut Demitrius off as well. He claims he didn't know what happened between Kayla and August at their house but he was lying, or she convinced herself that he was.

Her brothers on the other hand, have been trying to get their hands on August but he was no where to be found. With Demitrius, they weren't as mad, though Chris went as far as roughing him up to give up August's location but he honestly didn't know.

Chris was hurting at the fact Demitrius wasn't going to be around anymore, but, when it came to his sister, he didn't give a fuck. He'd cut the world off for her.

"Really, I swear." She says catching the doubtful look on his face. "I'm going to go take a shower, I got all sticky from being in the pool." She says and walks out of his office and up to her room.

She closed the door, locked it, then made her way into her bathroom. Sighing, she started to take off her lashes and put them back into the case.

Kali didn't recognize the person in the mirror at the moment. Of course she looked the same, minus the healing cut on her face, but the look in her eyes was something different.

She stripped out of her clothes and turned the water on, but not before turning on her speaker.

About an hour and a half later, she finally leaves her room and stands in the hallway for a bit. She perked her ears up to see if she heard any noise, and she didn't.

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