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Another chapter y'all, I tried to make this a bit longer than previous chapters.
Kali's outfit is shown later in the chapter.

Enjoy. — Nina.


Kali de Santa.

I giggle as August makes eye contact with me, I could feel the heat rise up to my cheeks and I look away avoiding his gaze.

My smile drops and my eyes widen once my eyes land on someone at the cafe counter. Reese.

I feel my face pale and August calls my name. "Kali." I freeze once Reese looks around and his eyes land on me.

"T-Thats my brothers friend..Reese." I managed to get out and he smirks walking over here.

"And? What about Reese?" He asks.

"Well, isn't this a lovely sight?" He taunts looking around August the entire time.

"Man get the fu-" August starts to speak but I kick his foot and he looks at me.

"Reese.." I say softly, losing my train of thought when he looks my way.

"Kali?" He chuckles.

"Why..are you here?" I ask.

"I go to school here? You forgot?" He answers smartly. I look over at August and his eyes are already on me, his tongue poking his cheek. "Now the real question is, what's going on here? This you Ant?" Reese looks at August and points at me.

I make a face at the name he called him but honestly that isn't my concern right now. I just need him to leave.

"No. He's just a friend Reese." I stand up from my chair and grab his arm. "Please, just leave us alone." I beg and he looks down at me. He leans to kiss my forehead and he leans in to whisper in my ear.

"You so lucky I came in here and your brother didn't. Trust me Kali, he wouldn't have made it out." I shudder slightly and he backs away.

"Don't tell Sincere, please." I whisper and he looks back at August who is now looking at the table with his leg bouncing up and down.

"You got my word. See you soon Lil' Bit." He chuckles and turns to walk away.

I sit down at the table and look at August who's looking at me again. I feel my stomach drop to my ass from the way he's looking at me.

He's pissed.

"Why every time we together or we talk something happens? I don't have time for bullshit Kali." He snaps and I jump.

"No, I know it comes off that way. I'm sorry, he's .. a friend. Well no, I don't know what he is but he's real tight with my brother and I don't need him saying anything."

"What, you ashamed to be my friend or sum?" An amused expression covers his face but I can tell he's pissed off.

"No! Not at all, just my brother isn't fond of males. That's all.." August hums and nods.

"Ight." He responds, his facial expression left as quick as it came.

"That's it? You aren't mad?" I ask raising my eyebrows.

He chuckles, "Nah man." He takes my drink and sips it some more. "You right. This is good."

I walk up to the door and put my key in, I step in and kick off my shoes.

"Princess." I look up and see my dad and squeal.

"Daddy!" I drop my stuff and hug him making him stumble back.

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