45 Except In One You're Fulfilled

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We were clean and I was exhausted, but my mind was spinning and wouldn't let me sleep. I lay draped over Sasha's arm in the bed and my hand lazily rubbed over his abs while I thought to myself.

"What's bothering you, Lukas?" Sasha rumbled his question from nearby as his other hand stroked over my arm.

"Why was that other guy so mean? And how come Demyan was so different with Lisa tonight? And... and why was Mistress Viv with such a big guy?" The questions came tumbling from my mouth like word-vomit. Sasha chuckled and ruffled my hair, making it go in my eyes a little.

"Slow down Lukas. Let me start with saying, just like people, each Dom and sub are individuals with their own thoughts, desires and motivations." His arm pulled me up onto his chest, so we were looking at each other.

"I know that, I suppose." I pursed my lips and stared down at the bare chest peeking out from the collar of his shirt. He flicked a finger under my chin, and I looked back up at him. His eyebrow was raised at me.

"Mistress Viv prefers to dominate larger men. It makes her feel powerful, and she craves that feeling because she has always felt small, powerless and insignificant. But their relationship is between them and is different than ours." Sasha watched for my reaction to his words. I nodded and sighed.

"No, I get it. We aren't like anybody else, and we don't have to be. Right?" I blinked at him. He smiled a little and hugged me on top of him.

"Right. Don't take Demyan's behaviour to heart. He is... a little peculiar." Sasha replied with a grimace. I cocked my head to the side.

"A little?" I said in a teasing voice. He tickled me and I laughed at his fierce face as he gave my punishment.

"Yes, a little. His family... is complicated. It makes him think a little differently than other Doms. At dinner, the woman talked back to him and he was already annoyed with her. You understand?" He asked me with a more serious face. I thought about it.

"So, Demyan treats people he likes better? Like you and Lisa at the club?" I asked hesitantly.

"Of course, but also well-behaved people better. Like you. He thought you have been very good, so he has warmed up to you too." Sasha told me with a wry look.

"Oh. So, he approves?" I asked with a hopeful look. Sasha smiled more genuinely and nodded.

"Yes. He approves. He is a good man underneath. I promise you. We would not be such good friends if he wasn't." He told me as he stroked my back. I nodded my understanding.

I mean, I could see it a little bit. After last night when he helped me out twice, I couldn't hold a grudge against him over being rude to some random stranger I didn't know. He had been alright to me. Not great, but okay.

"Now about the other guy. How do I put this... like there are good people, there are good Dominants and bad Dominants. Even though our culture has many types, some of those people do not see past the end of their nose. Yes?" He looked a little thoughtful.

"Like, they are psychopaths?" I asked with an innocent tone. He snorted and shook his head at me.

"A bit dramatic. They are self-centered, arrogant even. They think that being a 'Dom' makes them privileged. Or worse yet, they believe that being anything else makes a person lesser." He raised a brow at me and I just grinned.

"So... they are assholes. Marcus says his last Dom was an asshole. Not my words, his." I played dumb and hoped he wouldn't call me on my swearing. He just gave me a look.

"If you like, sure. Some Doms forget that they only have their power because subs are willing to give it to them. It requires trust and a measure of respect for someone who would give their power up." He explained to me.

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