49 When My Crimes

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Marcus stood uneasily at the coat check as other people wandered across the room in front of him. It was Saturday, and the place was busy with the usual weekend crowd. He kept his eyes from wandering and lowered to the ground.

He was supposed to meet Demyan just outside the area with reserved tables. That had him skirting the dance floor and going up a short flight of stairs to a blocked off area. The bouncer there gave him a look, but he just stood aside and waited.

"You made it. Come along Marcus." He heard Master Dem's voice from the hallway and looked up in relief. The bouncer took the rope aside and gestured for him to go in.

"Thank you, Master Dem." Marcus said respectfully as he followed. The man glanced at him with a grin and nodded.

"Sure, the others are already waiting inside. You aren't late though, they are early." He supplied with an easy grace. Marcus took a glance and noticed that his clothing was much more subdued tonight.

Instead of bright colours, he wore black jeans and a black mesh button down shirt that had leather along the seams and for pocket flaps on the chest and shoulder. A few chains hung off his pockets to wrap his hips.

"Ah, you made it." Master Alex looked up along with Lukas as they approached. Lukas was sitting on his lap, looking a lot more comfortable than last time he was here.

"Yes, thank you for inviting me Master Alex." Marcus said with a short bow. Demyan flopped down in a seat and chuckled.

"It's pronounced 'Alek,' not Alex. It's okay though. A common mistake with his name." Master Dem waved his blush off with a gentle smile.

"I'm so sorry Master Alek." He bowed again and the man in question just smiled and waved off his apology.

"No matter. Please join us." He said kindly. Marcus looked at the set up and hesitated. Was he supposed to sit on the floor between them? Was he supposed to sit at Master Dem's feet?

"What's the matter? Do you want to sit on my lap?" Master Dem had a grin and a teasing light in his eyes. Marcus opened his mouth to protest.

"You may sit with us on the seat Marcus. This is a reward for helping Lukas, and you do not have to submit to either of us tonight." Master Alek glared at his cousin and motioned to the middle of the bench. Master Dem stuck his tongue out at him and moved over to let him sit.

"Thank you, I am honoured." Marcus replied with a slight blush on his cheeks.

"It's fine. You said you needed a break from the scene, right? Consider this just a drink with friends." Master Dem said with a wave to the serving woman for their section.

"What can I get you?" She asked with a bland smile. Master Alek ordered for the two of them sitting across from him. Master Dem ordered for himself and then looked at Marcus.

"Whatever you want to order for me will do, Master Dem." He said with a sigh.

"Do you have any allergies?" He asked with a satisfied smile. Marcus shook his head.

"No Sir. I do not like sweet things though." He added with his eyes lowered. He heard a hum and then a gin and club soda was ordered for him. Marcus looked up in surprise.

"Is that fine? I will be sure to order a cab for you if you need one." The man watched his reaction closely.

"It's perfect Sir. My favourite. Thank you very much." He whispered with a strange twisting feeling in his chest. He couldn't tell if it was panic or pleasure though. He gulped.

He didn't want to stare at the other two across from the table, at the same time he felt uncomfortable looking at Master Dem. He sat with his fingers pulling the edge of his shirt in nervousness.

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