26 There's A New Game

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"I thought we were going to your parent's house after, Sir." I said in confusion as my car passed by unfamiliar streets hours later.

"No. You will stay with me. I'm going to my place in the downtown." Sasha said without glancing in my direction. I looked at his profile while he was driving and wondered to myself how I fell for such a stern looking guy.

"So... me catching you at your parents that weekend was a fluke?" I asked with my head tilted to the side. He gave me a look and I cleared my throat. "Ahem, sorry Sir."

"Yes and no. I go to visit them almost every weekend, unless I am working. You will come with me when I go if you aren't working." He stated clearly. I nodded absently to myself.

"Sure. No problem Sir." I replied easily.

"Of course it is no problem. You will follow my schedule. I can write it out for you. Cleaning on Mondays and Wednesdays. Workout on Tuesdays and Thursdays." He listed off as he turned onto the ramp to leave the highway.

The lights from the city were bright on this side of town and I stared out the windows at the billboards and various businesses as we passed. Sasha smacked my knee and my attention went back to him.

"Pay attention when I am speaking to you." He admonished. I nodded and turned my whole body to listen. "You must get a job or apply for school. When you know your schedule, tell me. You have one month, or I will find one for you."

"Yes Sir." I wasn't sure why, but the last statement sounded more like a threat than encouragement. I gulped at the thought of job hunting. Too many people had thought I would follow in my father's footsteps, and now I was having troubles seeing what else I could be good at.

"I will have to see what you brought and figure out where we will be keeping it. My place is not big, so you will have to adjust." He glanced at me then and saw that I was listening to him with satisfaction.

"I don't need to keep most of it accessible. Only the bare necessities will need to be kept within reach. I don't care if we have to store the rest, Sir." I replied calmly. He nodded in approval.

"Good. We are here. I will register your car for the parking spot. Don't speak." He said to me before driving up to a booth that guarded an underground parking garage. The guy in the booth looked at us suspiciously, but wrote up the paperwork and let Sasha drive in after a few minutes.

"Will I be able to leave if I need to?" I asked hesitantly. He looked over at me and nodded.

"Yes, the licence plate and your name is logged in at the gate. You must remember how to get in though." He told me while following the path through the garage. He pulled into a spot on the second level that was labelled with a forty-two. "This is mine. Use only this spot."

"Yes Sir." I replied. "Should I bring my things up now?" I looked into the back seat with a glance.

"Just bring the bag. I will help you bring up the others once I've shown you the apartment." He said to me. I smiled and pulled the bag out. I followed him through the well-lit parking garage and he took me to an elevator. His thumb punched the top floor.

I stared at the buttons in confusion. The numbers showed only odd floors. Where were the buttons for the even floors? Was it a different elevator? I didn't want him to think I was stupid, so I didn't say anything. The trip was done in silence as the faint music played in the background.

The doors opened to an empty hallway. The carpet and walls were a boring beige colour. It was clean though. I followed him down to the last door at the end of the hallway. His place was across from the fire escape stairwell. I gulped and recalled a passing comment from somewhere about this being the 'murder room' in hotels.

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