1 Every Breath He Takes

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I know I didn't make it easy on them. I was a bit of a problem child, not exactly on purpose. Sometimes I just didn't think things through before I did them. Sometimes I thought I knew better than history. Sometimes I just didn't care and wanted to see what was going to happen.

That was how I ended up with Sasha. My shadow. My parents finally got fed up with all the trouble and had a bodyguard tail me. I suppose the second kidnapping attempt was the last straw. I told them I just wanted to get some licorice from the corner store, it wasn't my fault!

But no, now I wasn't to be trusted. Just because I snuck out my window at 3 am with the munchies, a bunch of guys tried to stuff me in a van while I laughed like a lunatic and the house guards ran up to save me in the nick of time. I was fine. Maybe a little high, but fiiiiine.

Now I was running low on Maryjane, my dealer wouldn't let me get near him because of Sasha dearest, and I was seriously on my last nerve. I glared at the Smartboard in the classroom as though it was the one stalking me and cracked my knuckles.

"What is wrong with you Luke? You seriously need to chill. You look like someone kicked your puppy." My friend Amy says to me from behind me. I shook my head and put it on my desk.

"Someone did. I need to lose the shadow, Ames. It is driving me crazy. Did you know he follows me into rest rooms? Who does that?" I complained. She reached forward and stroked my hair. I didn't like it. I could feel her boobs against my back. It was gross.

"Good bodyguards do that, hun. You know your parents are just pissed about you running away." She drones.

"I was not running away. How many times do I have to say it? I was getting licorice!" I whisper scream at her. The teacher bangs on my desk making me jump and turn back around.

"If you are quite finished, we can continue." Bitch. I smiled all fake and gestured for her to continue. Like she would discipline me, she knew who my parents were. Everyone did.

I waited until the bell was just about to ring and then bolted out the door. I heard the teacher shout after me but the bell droned her out as I got a head start in the hall. I raced to the end of the hall, down the stairs, up another corridor, through the lunch room and out the back door.

I gasped in relief as I didn't see anyone else in sight and moved to go around the corner, pulling my last joint from my bag as I did. Suddenly, my blazer and shirt were grabbed at the neck and I was pulled back around to the doorway. I spun around with my hands ready to karate chop whoever had grabbed me.

"Nice try Lukas." The man towering over me said with his arms crossed. I sighed and dropped my hands. He reached over and grabbed my joint, putting it inside his inner jacket pocket as I fumbled and protested.

"Aw come on! That's my last one. Give it back!" I tried to reach in his jacket and grab it as he swatted my hands away. I tried climbing up the side of him and feeling for it from the top but he just shrugged me off. I sat on the ground and pouted. Now I was going to skip class. No way was I going to go if I wasn't high.

"Go to class, Lukas." He growled at me. I shook my head stubbornly. He grabbed my collar and tried to haul me to my feet. I resisted by rag-dolling on him until I was sprawled on the ground again. He crouched down to my level and glared at me. I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Go to class, be good, and I will give it back after school." He finally said with a calculating look on his face. I perked up a little. This was unexpected. I tilted my head a little and licked my lips.

"I thought my parents wanted you to confiscate my shit?" I watched as he smirked at me.

"Don't swear. Being good is part of the bargain, yes?" He held out a hand to me, daring me to shake it. I took it reluctantly and was hauled to my feet. He dusted me off and gave me a little shove in the door. I was suspicious. Maybe he was playing with me. He probably wasn't going to give it back.

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