12 I'll Be Watching You

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I made my way down the hallway of the school and grinned as Ames' eyes grew wide in shock. She took in my cuts and bruises, the pair of crutches under my arms, and then the tough looking bodyguard that was carrying my book bag for me.

"What the hell Lukas?" She said as I came to stand next to her.

"Yeah... I had a bit of an... accident?" I grinned at her look of disbelief.

"That looks like more than a bit of an accident." She said to me with a raised brow. "Why aren't you off school?"

"Parents thought I missed too much already. Besides, it's not that bad." I was lying through my teeth, but I managed to keep a smile on my face.

"I will see you after class." Sasha said as he put my bag next to my desk and turned to leave the room.

"Thanks Sasha." I flopped into my seat and propped my leg to the side awkwardly. I laid the crutches down on the window sill and sighed. I was sick of those things already.

"So what happened?" Amy asked me with a frown. She was sitting in front of me with her arms crossed on the desk.

"I got hammered and fell down a flight of stairs." I wasn't going to bother sugar coating it for her. Her eyes widened and she whistled.

"Wow. That's talent. Didn't you just heal up from your fight?" She tilted her head and gave me a sympathetic look.

"Yeah, but it could have been way worse." I defended myself.

"How? You broke your leg." She was giving me a once over and pointing at the face too.

"Doc said if I hadn't been drunk off my ass I could have been more hurt from the fall. Something about rag-dolling on the way down apparently saved my skin." I told her with a grin.

"I don't know how you can find humour in this." She rolled her eyes and turned around as the last call bell rang.

Because if I don't then I'm afraid I'm going to cry. I pulled out my workbook and flipped open to the homework.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see the edge of Sasha's jacket as he stood outside the classroom door. The teacher came in and shut the door behind him. I knew that Sasha would stand there the whole time though.

He might not be within sight all the time, but I could feel him watching over me even from a distance. Whether it was because he was being paid or because he cared I wasn't even sure anymore.

I recalled the other security guards I had known over the years, and none had been as attentive and dedicated as Sasha had been. None of them had even bothered to use my name before. He was the only one who called me Lukas instead of 'young master,' 'kid' or 'sir.'

He was the only one who watched me as much as he watched over me. The only one who promised me and wanted me to be better than I was. Part of me thought he was crazy, for thinking I could be better or for caring in the first place.

Part of me was hating him for making me such a muddle of emotions. It was easier to play the cold and uncaring socialite. It was easier to ignore the rules and push away the affection he gave me. It was easier, but not better.

It was also easier to ignore the strange rush of lust I felt for him. Maybe it was just infatuation. Maybe it was because he was the only one who showed they cared. Maybe it was just my teenage hormones talking. Maybe.

But in the end did it matter what it was? Did it really matter if I was gay, pansexual, or just simply obsessed with the older man? I could admit now I liked the way he ordered me around. I liked the rules. I actually even liked the punishments, so far.

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